Quote Quoting Pop Trash (view post)
Still need to see both of them, but pleasantly surprised by all the Drive My Car love & the screenplay nom for Worst Person in the World. Disappointed (but not surprised) for the love for Don't Look Up (the editing specifically is terrible, which means it will probably win) & Nightmare Alley, which is ok but def not BP worthy. I think it "feels" prestigious on paper.

Still think Campion will win BD, but no idea what will win BP. I guess money is on Power of the Dog, but I could see Drive My Car pulling out a Parasite like upset, especially if the distributors really push it in the coming month. Belfast or Licorice Pizza could get in there too. Could also see a "are you fuckin' kidding me??" Crash like upset for Don't Look Up.
I think Pizza stands a good chance. But yeah I'm feeling Power of the Dog. Reminds me of when Out of Africa won for BP and I'm getting similar vibes for whatever reason.