Fans’ petition to erase The Last Jedi from Canon has inspired me to seek out this justice for myself. Throughout my life there have been several movies, shows, books, albums and other art/media works that pissed me off.

Rather than ignore them and enjoy the content I like, I want them fucking GONE.

Here is a list:

The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror VII (just the mini world in Lisa’s tooth part) - I’ve seen it far too much and it’s becoming an annoyance. Please petition Fox to remove it from all future DVD releases and streaming services.

Star Trek: Insurrection - clearly a low point for the TNG films and didn’t add much of anything to the overall universe. I suggest Paramount delete it from canon.

Son of the Pink Panther - it’s not Sellers, and thus has no worth.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (the film) - perhaps the weakest of the series and adds nothing to the overall story or character arcs. I suggest WB treat it as poor fan fiction and eliminate it from the main series.

Please use this thread to air your own grievances.

I am building a file and have involved Trump, who is monitoring this daily.

Our hope is to build a class action lawsuit against all of the major studios.

Participate and be a part of something YUGE.