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Thread: All Quiet On The Western Front (Edward Berger)

  1. #1
    Evil mind, evil sword. Ivan Drago's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    All Quiet On The Western Front (Edward Berger)

    Last Five Films I've Seen (Out of 5)

    The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Mackesy, 2022) 4.5
    Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Crawford, 2022) 4
    Confess, Fletch (Mottola, 2022) 3.5
    M3GAN (Johnstone, 2023) 3.5
    Turning Red (Shi, 2022) 4.5
    Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953) 5

    615 Film

  2. #2
    Evil mind, evil sword. Ivan Drago's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Last Five Films I've Seen (Out of 5)

    The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Mackesy, 2022) 4.5
    Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Crawford, 2022) 4
    Confess, Fletch (Mottola, 2022) 3.5
    M3GAN (Johnstone, 2023) 3.5
    Turning Red (Shi, 2022) 4.5
    Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953) 5

    615 Film

  3. #3
    How does it fare against the other adaptations of the novel?
    Last Seen:
    Sophie's Choice (A. Pakula, 1982) ☆
    Oddity (D. Mc Carthy, 2024) ☆
    Eraserhead (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    Lost Highway (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    The Last Call (F. Franco, 2013) ☆
    Flow (G. Zilbalodis, 2024) ☆
    Arcadian (B. Brewer, 2024) ☆
    Hit Man (R. Linklater, 2023) ☆
    The English (H. Blick, 2022) ☆
    Notorious (A. Hitchcock, 1946) ☆

    First time ☆

  4. #4
    Just watched it. I really dug this film, but it's far from perfect. I believe it's biggest strengths and weaknesses stem from how different it is from the original novel and 1930 classic (I've yet to watch the 1979 version), electing to modify several plot points or to modify/reinterpret several motifs (my favorite being the use of a uniform and a scarf going from soldier to soldier instead of a pair of boots like it's predecessors do). This aspects makes this version more fresh and alive than most remakes and gave me the sensation that you could read the novel and watch both films without making the experience repetitive.

    Gotta say it, if there's an aspect where the film excels at, is at the battle scenes and while it isn't in any way remarkable seeing a Saving Private Ryan quality (I mean, is there a war film that doesn't owe anything to the Omaha Beach sequence since '98?), what it is is that director Edward Bergen and cinematographer James Friend understood much, much better than most why the Spielberg action works so well and how they incorporated this to the battles scenes. The action of All Quiet is very crisp, uses color and contrast very well (elements such as the fire from the flamethrowers, the mud and the blood, just pop from the screen at times and it's a shame it didn't appear in theaters here in Mexico) and it also contains plenty of wide shots, long takes that last just enough to show the geography clearly without calling attention to themselves. At the end, the experience feel very immersive, true to life and it's all very memorable. The anti-war themes of the work are better represented in here.

    However, I believe the film has a few missteps here and there, the biggest one being an entirely original subplot dealing with a diplomat played by Daniel Brühl trying to negotiate an armistice with the French, which I feel runs for the most part counter to the spirit and focus of the novel by robbing the POV from the people in the battlefield and because it does feel at times like this part doesn't truly know if it's trying to take away some of the responsibility from the people making the decisions above or if it's trying to condemn them and while it does lean at the end at the latter, I just like this aspect muddles the film thematically a little, and even worse than this, these scenes from the most part take away the momentum from the main story. The only saving grace from this scenes is that they do have a payoff that feels both like a giant ass-pull while at the same time giving the film an extra layer of futility. However, I would've preferred this subplot to be scrapped and added more screentime to Paul, Kat and company, because ultimately I feel the film doesn't flesh out it's characters as well as the novel and 1930 film. The progression from wide-eyed naivette to shell-shocked vets doesn't hit as well (This film really could've used a Himmelstoss or a Kantorek) and the sense of camaraderie isn't as present between the characters not named Paul and Kat, ultimately blunting just enough of the film's emotional edge giving us just a very good film instead of a masterpiece.
    Last Seen:
    Sophie's Choice (A. Pakula, 1982) ☆
    Oddity (D. Mc Carthy, 2024) ☆
    Eraserhead (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    Lost Highway (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    The Last Call (F. Franco, 2013) ☆
    Flow (G. Zilbalodis, 2024) ☆
    Arcadian (B. Brewer, 2024) ☆
    Hit Man (R. Linklater, 2023) ☆
    The English (H. Blick, 2022) ☆
    Notorious (A. Hitchcock, 1946) ☆

    First time ☆

  5. #5
    Evil mind, evil sword. Ivan Drago's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Yeah, sorry I never responded to your question. I hate to admit this but I....never read the book or saw the 1930 film.
    Last Five Films I've Seen (Out of 5)

    The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Mackesy, 2022) 4.5
    Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Crawford, 2022) 4
    Confess, Fletch (Mottola, 2022) 3.5
    M3GAN (Johnstone, 2023) 3.5
    Turning Red (Shi, 2022) 4.5
    Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953) 5

    615 Film

  6. #6
    Quote Quoting Ivan Drago (view post)
    Yeah, sorry I never responded to your question. I hate to admit this but I....never read the book or saw the 1930 film.
    Highly recommended!
    Last Seen:
    Sophie's Choice (A. Pakula, 1982) ☆
    Oddity (D. Mc Carthy, 2024) ☆
    Eraserhead (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    Lost Highway (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    The Last Call (F. Franco, 2013) ☆
    Flow (G. Zilbalodis, 2024) ☆
    Arcadian (B. Brewer, 2024) ☆
    Hit Man (R. Linklater, 2023) ☆
    The English (H. Blick, 2022) ☆
    Notorious (A. Hitchcock, 1946) ☆

    First time ☆

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    An effectively blunt instrument, which turns into something of a problem at this length and especially compared to the more artfully bleak 1930 version. The ending alone makes for a useful contrast, as this feels akin to a despairing full stop, while 1930's one has an aftereffect that haunts and lingers long afterwards. Still, the film remains a technical feat in replicating the era and war sequences, and the ensemble is excellent across the board (with MVP going to the haunting Albrecht Schuch). 7/10
    Midnight Run (1988) - 9
    The Smiling Lieutenant (1931) - 8.5
    The Adventures of Robinhood (1938) - 8
    Sisters (1973) - 6.5
    Shin Godzilla (2016) - 7.5

  8. #8
    Quote Quoting Peng (view post)
    (with MVP going to the haunting Albrecht Schuch)
    He's a great Kat.
    Last Seen:
    Sophie's Choice (A. Pakula, 1982) ☆
    Oddity (D. Mc Carthy, 2024) ☆
    Eraserhead (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    Lost Highway (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    The Last Call (F. Franco, 2013) ☆
    Flow (G. Zilbalodis, 2024) ☆
    Arcadian (B. Brewer, 2024) ☆
    Hit Man (R. Linklater, 2023) ☆
    The English (H. Blick, 2022) ☆
    Notorious (A. Hitchcock, 1946) ☆

    First time ☆

  9. #9
    Last Seen:
    Sophie's Choice (A. Pakula, 1982) ☆
    Oddity (D. Mc Carthy, 2024) ☆
    Eraserhead (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    Lost Highway (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    The Last Call (F. Franco, 2013) ☆
    Flow (G. Zilbalodis, 2024) ☆
    Arcadian (B. Brewer, 2024) ☆
    Hit Man (R. Linklater, 2023) ☆
    The English (H. Blick, 2022) ☆
    Notorious (A. Hitchcock, 1946) ☆

    First time ☆

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