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Thread: The Batman (Matt Reeves)

  1. #51
    Quote Quoting megladon8 (view post)
    Nolan does incredible car chases. It's fight scenes he can't do to save his life.

    Reeves had fantastic fight scenes
    Eh, not so much compared to this, regardless of the quality of the overall movie:

  2. #52
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    I thought the Reeves fights were much better.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  3. #53
    A Platypus Grouchy's Avatar
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    I believe this analysis of the truck chase scene has been around for a while and I agree word for word.

    I remember that scene in Batman v Superman fondly (despite the out of character killing) as the first time a live action Batman scene really fulfilled my expectations. But yeah, Reeves probably took it one step further.

  4. #54
    Quote Quoting megladon8 (view post)
    I thought the Reeves fights were much better.
    I honestly can't remember much about any of the fight scenes in Teh Batman, and I just watched it less than a month ago...


  5. #55
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    BvS was the high mark until The Batman (talking fight scenes).

    I preferred The Batman's scrappier, less choreographed look. I liked that similar to Netflix Daredevil he doesn't seem invincible.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  6. #56
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    And I LOVED how much he used the grappling hook as a weapon.

    That was awesome.

    The beginning of the big fight against the Riddler goons, when he shoots two of them through the legs with dual grappling hooks, then uses them as a counterweight to swing onto the platform. That rocked.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  7. #57
    Quote Quoting megladon8 (view post)
    And I LOVED how much he used the grappling hook as a weapon.

    That was awesome.

    The beginning of the big fight against the Riddler goons, when he shoots two of them through the legs with dual grappling hooks, then uses them as a counterweight to swing onto the platform. That rocked.
    He used it like that in BvS too, though:

  8. #58
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    Yes but not to the level he did in Teh
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  9. #59
    Anyone else think that, instead of Selina's secret being that she was [

  10. #60
    Sunrise, Sunset Wryan's Avatar
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    I didn't think there was any tiptoeing. I just straight up took them as together.
    "How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"


  11. #61
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    Yeah I 100% took them as being a couple. I didn't think there was any vagueness there.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  12. #62
    Quote Quoting Wryan (view post)
    I didn't think there was any tiptoeing. I just straight up took them as together.
    Based on what, though? Selina called her "baby" once, and that was literally it.

  13. #63
    Sunrise, Sunset Wryan's Avatar
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    Shrug. I just understood them to be together given how intense their early interactions were and how focused she was to get out of town together and later to find her. Also, I don't think girl friends call each other "Baby." Believe me, I'm fully on board with "Hollywood needs to give us clearer representation, not this ambiguous soft shit that can be edited out for Chinese releases." But the other side of it is that we should also get subtle, normal representations where they are just regular people. I could see some late revelation of "Actually, she was my girlfriend/lover." landing with a resounding, "Wait....was that a secret? I thought we already knew that?" and not having much impact. Surely we want more than ambiguous language, chaste hugs and kisses pushed to the fuzzy background, and while mainstream sources are still quite bad at this, I thought this movie was pretty decent at doing the "subtle/normal" representation, as I took them to be a clear couple straightaway. Mileage gonna vary between different people ofc.
    "How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"


  14. #64
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting StuSmallz (view post)
    Based on what, though? Selina called her "baby" once, and that was literally it.
    Selina's intense heartbreak over her death definitely screamed "more than friends".
    Last edited by megladon8; 04-07-2022 at 02:30 PM.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  15. #65
    Quote Quoting Wryan (view post)
    Shrug. I just understood them to be together given how intense their early interactions were and how focused she was to get out of town together and later to find her. Also, I don't think girl friends call each other "Baby." Believe me, I'm fully on board with "Hollywood needs to give us clearer representation, not this ambiguous soft shit that can be edited out for Chinese releases." But the other side of it is that we should also get subtle, normal representations where they are just regular people. I could see some late revelation of "Actually, she was my girlfriend/lover." landing with a resounding, "Wait....was that a secret? I thought we already knew that?" and not having much impact. Surely we want more than ambiguous language, chaste hugs and kisses pushed to the fuzzy background, and while mainstream sources are still quite bad at this, I thought this movie was pretty decent at doing the "subtle/normal" representation, as I took them to be a clear couple straightaway. Mileage gonna vary between different people ofc.
    I would probably agree with you, if this wasn't a part of a larger trend in Hollywood of various cast or crew saying behind the scenes that so-and-so character was written or portrayed to supposedly be "LGBT", while the actual representation of that onscreen is extremely vague or so minimal as to be next to non-existent, like the explicit confirmation of Valkyrie's bisexuality in Thor: Ragnarok being cut from that movie, but Tessa Thompson still claims that she portrayed her in a "bisexual manner" overall (whatever that means exactly). Maybe it's less of a problem in the individual film than it is in the aggregate, but I'm just tired of all this Rorschach Test-representation, you know?

  16. #66
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    I think it's more realistic this way though, and less likely to be accused of "pandering" or "agendas" by incels on the internet.

    Real life bisexual (or otherwise LGBTQ+) people don't parade around constantly drawing attention to their sexual orientation. That is a myth created by the media. They are just people living their lives.

    Maybe there will be a more overt same-sex relationship with Selina later in the trilogy? Who knows.

    But I had no doubts about her and her roommate being a couple.

    I would say that the intentions behind Anne Hathaway and Juno Temple in TDKR were much muddier than this.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  17. #67
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    This is listed at $44.99 on Amazon for when it's released on BluRay.

    When Dune first came to BluRay on, it was a pretty standard $26.99. But it has also jumped up to $44.99.

    Is this going to be the new standard price for physical media?
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  18. #68
    Quote Quoting megladon8 (view post)
    I think it's more realistic this way though, and less likely to be accused of "pandering" or "agendas" by incels on the internet.

    Real life bisexual (or otherwise LGBTQ+) people don't parade around constantly drawing attention to their sexual orientation. That is a myth created by the media. They are just people living their lives.

    Maybe there will be a more overt same-sex relationship with Selina later in the trilogy? Who knows.

    But I had no doubts about her and her roommate being a couple.

    I would say that the intentions behind Anne Hathaway and Juno Temple in TDKR were much muddier than this.
    Yeah, but why should we care what online "incels" say about such matters? I mean, these are the same kind of people who are pre-emptively griping on Twitter about Jurassic World: Dominion, a movie they obviously haven't seen yet, for merely sharing a promotional picture of a Black actress in the film. There's always going to be bad faith actors out there backlashing any sort of remotely "progressive" politics in a movie, so I don't see why they should be factored into the conversation.

    Anyway, I'm not demanding for the movie to have had Selina parade around with her sexuality for all of Gotham to see; in fact, I would prefer if it didn't, since that's often how movies have tried to draw attention to themselves by appearing "woke", by going out of their way to draw undue attention to character's sexual orientations, which I find annoying. But that doesn't mean that you can't do that in a more tasteful way that serves the overall experience, which is far preferable to the filmmakers trying to have it both ways by keeping that aspect vague (which avoids having to explicitly engage in LGBT representation), while also trying to get credit by claiming in the media that they interpreted or intended the character to have been so, essentially making Selina "Schrödinger's lesbian", you know? I mean, if Deadpool 2 dealt with this just fine, I think Reeves and company could've done so as well
    Last edited by StuSmallz; 04-14-2022 at 06:21 AM.

  19. #69

  20. #70
    Sunrise, Sunset Wryan's Avatar
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    Other than the wrong and disrespectful title, this video is amazing:

    "How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"


  21. #71
    ^Ha! That's a good one.

  22. #72
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    I find it almost cute that Peter Sarsgaard follows the same character fate as his wife Maggie Gyllenhaal in another Batman film.
    Midnight Run (1988) - 9
    The Smiling Lieutenant (1931) - 8.5
    The Adventures of Robinhood (1938) - 8
    Sisters (1973) - 6.5
    Shin Godzilla (2016) - 7.5

  23. #73

  24. #74
    A Platypus Grouchy's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Wryan (view post)
    Other than the wrong and disrespectful title, this video is amazing:

    This was cool but what happened to Julie Newmar?

  25. #75
    Quote Quoting Grouchy (view post)
    This was cool but what happened to Julie Newmar?
    And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore, anyhow?

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