Liked it the most when Batman couldn't do anything and was trying to coach Catwoman in the club, but couldn't process the anxiety that she was experiencing with the various looks she was getting.
Liked it the most when Batman couldn't do anything and was trying to coach Catwoman in the club, but couldn't process the anxiety that she was experiencing with the various looks she was getting.
I did think she was a little bit too sensitive for someone who's been in prostitution all her life.
From Letterboxd:
The Batman is by far the most definitive and truthful portrayal of the World's Greatest Detective's work as just that in a slow and dreary but engrossing and tense crime mystery/thriller that merges comic book-style adventure with elements of neo-noir and detective fiction. Gotham City looks and feels like a cesspool of a metropolis brimming with nightmarish darkness, the characters Batman investigates have infectious personalities that add humor and ominousness depending on the scene, and Robert Pattinson nails his role as Batman, delivering his interior monologue with menace and conveying his progression from a symbol of terror to one of hope through subtle but powerful facial nuances. That said, at three hours long, a turn that the movie takes toward the finale could leave some audiences deflated before the climax, and Paul Dano overdoes it as The Riddler on occasion. Despite those flaws, however, Matt Reeves' first film in a trilogy about the Caped Crusader still builds a gothic world full of intrigue as well as villainy, and plants a LOT of seeds for what should be a great iteration of Batman going forward.
Last Five Films I've Seen (Out of 5)
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Mackesy, 2022) 4.5
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Crawford, 2022) 4
Confess, Fletch (Mottola, 2022) 3.5
M3GAN (Johnstone, 2023) 3.5
Turning Red (Shi, 2022) 4.5
Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953) 5
615 Film
The narration is insulting and useless. Masked Dano is just way too silly to take seriously (better when it's just him). There's very little original here that we haven't seen before, inside Bat films or out. Loved the introduction of the car--hated the wet, glare-y, incomprehensible car chase afterward (we paid a lot to bolt these cameras to the bottom of the cars, goddamit, we're gonna use every second!). Gotham has never looked grimier and more disgusting, and I mean that as a compliment. Gordon comes off as quite clueless. Pattinson is fine, Kravitz a bit better. Nobody is written particularly well though. I didn't mind the length, and I actually liked the climax more than most of the rest of the movie. It shares some of its DNA with Joker, surprisingly, in the "govt/society has failed these vulnerable people" stuff. I liked him building a small, close-knit community of fringe nutters (I got the sneaking impression many were once from the orphanage as well) to plan a terrorist attack. It felt both a little too on the nose yet still reflective of our own American rot. At least Colin Farrel is having fun as DeNiro's Capone. Overall, liked it okay. Probably wouldn't rewatch.
"How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"
Also Jesus who cares about what the fucking Spanish bat means.
"How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"
Hahah I chuckled at that because at first I thought it was honestly the movie's mistake. I think Reeves did it on purpose.Quoting Wryan (view post)
I mean, I disagree with most of your jabs but I'll give you this - the movie is derivative to a fault. For some reason it's become fashionable to tie the Bat films to existing thriller classics with those famous private showings of Blade Runner and Heat at Nolan's. Joker did Taxi Driver and now they did Seven/Zodiac. I saw a tweet that rightfully asked for The Taking of Pelham 1, 2, 3 with Batman.
Assault on Precinct 13 with Batman.
"How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"
I'd almost be inclined to believe that that would be refreshing, just some bad guys planning Ã* major heist. Fuck the elaborate overarching master plans for once, that usually involve Gotham's destruction or some variation thereof. Imagine if The Batman's villain wasn't riddler, but a more believable kind of psychopath. The Bats would have had to do some real police work instead of being fed silly riddles hé solves within seconds.
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- Gangs of London (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
- We Own This City (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
- Thor: Love and Thunder (Waititi, 2022) ✦✦ [+]
Reading that list, all phenomenal films, seminal even, does The Batman no real favors. I think I groaned inwardly a few times.Quoting StuSmallz (view post)
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- Moon Knight (S1) ✦✦½ [-]
- Get Carter (Hodges, 1971) ✦✦✦½ [+]
- Prey (Trachtenberg, 2022) ✦✦✦ [-]
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- Better Call Saul (S6) ✦✦✦½ [+]
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- H4Z4RD (Govaerts, 2022/BE) ✦✦½ [-]
- Gangs of London (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
- We Own This City (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
- Thor: Love and Thunder (Waititi, 2022) ✦✦ [+]
I'm glad it's now canon that Batman wears makeup around his eyes.
And at the very least, it'll prevent any more easily avoidable goofs like this:Quoting Mysterious Dude (view post)
I'm definitely on board for more of this joker. As I've said before, let everyone play these roles. Who cares. I hate the idea of sacred cows "no one can be better than Jack Nicholson!" fuck off. Comics has always been about variations, for better or worse. Let people play.
Here here.Quoting Skitch (view post)
"All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"
"'s a flamethrower."
I'm onboard for this Joker as well. A mix of Hannibal Lecter intelligence that Batman obviously respects and is intimidated by. I could easily see a "Killing Joke" or "Death in the Family" storyline.
Reeves has been on record saying he doesn't intend to use Joker in the next one. I could definitely see it being Hush or the Court of Owls in this Gotham.
Might be the best Batman movie ever.
"All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"
"'s a flamethrower."
Just got back from 2nd viewing. Shitload of trailers in front this time (different theater). That new Eggers movie looks incredible.
The Northman? Oh yeah. That's my most anticipated right now.Quoting Skitch (view post)
"All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"
"'s a flamethrower."
I think my only complaint with the movie at this time is that for as amazing as the new Batmobile is (best ever? Probably), the actual chase scene is largely incomprehensible.
They got some gorgeous shots, it was a shame they butchered it so badly in editing.
Last edited by megladon8; 03-29-2022 at 12:05 AM.
"All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"
"'s a flamethrower."
What? Completely disagree. You put that scene side by side with Nolan's pathetic car chase and see the difference.Quoting megladon8 (view post)
Whoa whoa, what?Quoting Grouchy (view post)
I think both are good. Meg I was able to visualize it much better on the second watch.
Nolan does incredible car chases. It's fight scenes he can't do to save his life.
Reeves had fantastic fight scenes, and an awful car chase.
"All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"
"'s a flamethrower."