I’m conflicted about this movie. As a comedy, it is one of the funniest films I’ve seen in quite some time. As a film, it is truly awful: as formulaic as a physicist on crack and about as subtle as a male seal in mating season []. As a family movie, it made me embarrassed to be a parent, a millennial, and a millennial parent. Fortunately or unfortunately, Mitchells v. Machines gets a yay on account of the sheer talent involved in all aspects of the movie: cast is fantastic, script is sharp, and the technical aspects are all kind of a marvel. As an observation, the animation style is very different from other techniques I’ve seen. It blends a number of different styles and is just… interesting. Outside of that, I wouldn’t go out of my way to see this. If I were obligated to sit through it, though, there are worse ways to spend two hours.
