So, what exactly is Wonder Woman's place in the world during this movie? Nobody seems to talk about her or know about her despite that fact that she's presumably been doing her thing for the last 60 years. Why is she not a really big deal already? She just under the radar spending all her time thwarting petty criminals in the D.C. area? It ain't like she changes her look between being Diana and being WW; I don't think (delayed) taking out of mall security cameras can explain it. There's been a lot of big real-life shit that went down between the first movie and this one that she could've intervened upon, which is part of the logical flaw in having her turn the tide of World War 1 and then jumping ahead many decades.

I really love Pedro Pascal but man this was a bad performance. I have no idea why people are saying Max Lord and PP are the best thing about this movie. The entire premise of this film is intolerably stupid enough - and the Max Lord character quite poorly written - it didn't need on top of that a hammed up performance that makes the Max Lord character totally inaccessible. He lacks any clear motivation as written and no humanity as performed, and yet the entire ending of this film rests on him having a change of heart.

Gal Gadot is still awesome though. I don't blame Barbara for using her one wish to be more like her.