Quote Quoting baby doll (view post)
Goading people into making blatantly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic comments on camera seemed shocking in 2006 because such things weren't usually said in public. (In those days, Republicans who wanted to get votes from racists still had to use dog-whistles so they could deny they were courting racists, in case someone ever called them on it--not that anyone did.) In 2020, after Facebook and four years of Donald Trump as president, it's not shocking anymore. I'm not saying Americans are dumber and more bigoted now than they were in the mid-2000s; only the expression of stupidity and bigotry has become so commonplace (and so international), it's impossible to be shocked by it. Is anybody surprised at this point that attendees at an anti-masker rally would go along with idea of chopping up journalists like the Saudis do? Or that Rudy Giuliani would baselessly assert that the Chinese government manufactured the Coronavirus? I've seen him say worse things on CNN.
I haven't watched the movie yet but so this.