I kinda liked the social commentary on smart devices and AI, but I didn't at all buy the origin of Chucky.. a disgruntled Vietnam worker, who takes one of the dolls that he builds, programs and packages, and removes the "violence inhibitor" from the programming before shipping it.
The deaths felt a little bit too complex, especially the one involving the apartment super.
I only heard the Mark Hamill Joker voice squeak through once but thought it was overall pretty unique voice over work for him.
Part of what makes the original films fun is the personality of Chucky. This Chucky was completely lacking in that department.
Way better than its horror remake/reboot tag suggested, a silly but fun, self-aware riff with lively humor and some creative slasher set-pieces. Elevated by crisp craft and finer-than-genre-average acting; the main kid even gives an actual performance. I kind of knew I would be into this when the film somehow allowed Aubrey Plaza to actually retain her persona, just with a kid (as in the early scene where her character managed to lightly threaten her boss into giving up that doll to her). 6.5/10
Midnight Run (1988) - 9
The Smiling Lieutenant (1931) - 8.5
The Adventures of Robinhood (1938) - 8
Sisters (1973) - 6.5
Shin Godzilla (2016) - 7.5