Quote Quoting Ezee E (view post)
If it's not giving movies a pass out of kindness....
A trend I have noticed is that criticizing mainstream product seems to get a much more vitriolic pushback these days, as if not liking the latest Marvel is simply a symptom of being a buzzkill or a needless contrarian. There is nothing I despise more in discussing films than someone getting angry that someone doesn't like something they do and reply with something along the lines of "it's supposed to be fun! Why are you so picky?".

Like, there are plenty of fun, unpretentious mainstream movies I love - Speed, Hot Rod, Austin Powers 2, Waterworld etc. But also plenty that I don't - because they are not created equal (e.g., these days, there seems to be a drift towards interminable bloat in action films, such as F9, where the weightless, over-the-top action is spaced out with somber, overly serious melodrama, creating severe pacing problems - an action film has to have rhythm, for God's sake! But complain about it and you are just being a pretentious nerd who can't let anyone else have any fun. I mean....no matter what I say, you are still allowed to like the movie, so why so defensive?)