I find the Jason films thoroughly entertaining.

While no single movie in the Friday franchise reaches the heights of the original Elm Street, the series as a whole is significantly better.

From the grassroots old school American horror of the first two, to the campy 3, and the full embrace of silliness that was 4 and 6. And I can’t even say it’s nostalgia for me, because I didn’t see any of the Friday movies until I was well into my 20s, whereas I grew up with the Nightmare series.

Halloween has the best single film of all of them (Carpenter’s original, which is firmly in my top 10 movies of all time), but has by far the weakest sequels.

And if we want to throw Hellraiser into the mix, I used to consider the second a huge upgrade over the first, but a rewatch a couple of years ago was...not kind. For my money the best Hellraiser sequel is Scott Derrickson’s DTV Hellraiser: Inferno.