Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
Who are "most people"?
Nearly a decade of TV criticism.

Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
You talk as if Martin invented this stuff. He didn't. In fact, he was a relative late comer to the grimdark trend in fantasy fiction.
You continue to set up arguments for me that I'm not making. There's no question he had a role in popularizing it.

Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
And what are "real consequences"?
Standing up for what you believe in and getting beheaded instead of saving the day. Being a wise-cracking arrogant knight and getting your hand chopped off instead of laughter. Trying to avenge your father's death and getting yourself killed. Honestly, this is where I can't tell if you're being serious or if you're just messing with me. This is kind of basic stuff with regards to this show and story.