It's ok. Better than 90% of movies that come out each year. But perhaps I had too high of expectations because ultimately it left me with a big empty/hollow feeling.

One of the big things that bothered me is the complete lack of humanity. (Literally) It's established early that our protagonist is a Replicant and there are only a few humans he interacts with throughout the film. [
] The problem with most of the main characters being Replicants is that I just didn't feel for them the same way I would for a human protagonist or even a dog. So when K and Luv are having their big showdown it simply doesn't have the same impact as say Deckard struggling to survive against Rutger Hauer's Terminator impersonation. I never truly feared for K's safety. That is a problem.

The other problem I had was the pacing. Thinking about it further, it's not so much that the film is slow but rather there are a bunch of scenes that aren't very interesting, do nothing to further the plot, and add little to character development. The scenes I'm thinking about are [
] IMO we don't lose much if these scenes were completely cut out. Sometimes less is more.

With all that said, boy is it pretty to look at. The film is at its best when it actually allows us to explore the world and its technology.