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This thread will operate under the assumption that you are caught up on each aired episode of the show. If you want to avoid spoilers, do not enter this thread.

With the show entering its final stretch, let's see who can best predict how the show will turn out. Answer the questions below before Sunday, July 16th at 6:00PST/9:00EST to be able to claim victory.

All questions pertain to the HBO series only, and not the books. However, if you feel that you can use information from the books in order to make a better guess, more power to you.

If you would like to submit your guesses privately instead of posting them, you can PM me. I will post your guesses after Sunday, July 16th.


Will the following characters be alive or dead at the end of the final episode of the HBO series? (Not just this season, but the VERY LAST episode. In order to count, the character death must be definitive. Ambiguous situations will be treated as if the character is alive.)

  1. Jon Snow - ALIVE
  2. Daenerys Targaryen- DEAD
  3. Sansa Stark - ALIVE
  4. Arya Stark ALIVE
  5. Bran Stark - ALIVE
  6. Petyr Baelish - DEAD
  7. Varys - ALIVE
  8. Brienne of Tarth - DEAD
  9. Cersei Lannister - DEAD
  10. Jaime Lannister - DEAAD
  11. Tyrion Lannister - ALIVE
  12. Sandor Clegane - DEAD
  13. Davos Seaworth - DEAD
  14. Melisandre - DEAD
  15. Jorah Mormont - DEAD
  16. Yara Greyjoy - DEAD
  17. Theon Greyjoy - DEAD
  18. Tormund Giantsbane - ALIVE
  19. Sam Tarly - ALIVE
  20. Gilly - ALIVE
  21. Meera Reed - ALIVE
  22. Bronn - ALIVE
  23. Missandei - DEAD
  24. Grey Worm - DEAD
  25. Podrick Payne - ALIVE
  26. Eddison Tollett - DEAD
  27. Olenna Tyrell - ALIVE
  28. Qyburn DEAD
  29. Ellaria Sand - DEAD
  30. Edmure Tully - DEAD
  31. Robin Arryn - DEAD
  32. Gendry - ALIVE
  33. Hot Pie - ALIVE

Bonus question (3 pts for the right answer)

How many of Daenerys' dragons will be alive at the end of the series? Zero


In this section, you may choose up to 5 characters you think will die and predict their killer. However, 2 pts will be subtracted for every wrong guess, so choose wisely. You may enter 0 to 5 answers in this section.

1. Petyr Baelish will be killed by the Night King
2. Sandor Clegane will be killed by Arya Stark

SECTION III: YES OR NO? (3 pts each)

Answer these questions ...

  1. At the end of the final episode, will The Wall be standing? (The Wall must be fully intact to count as standing.)
  2. NO
  3. At the end of the final episode, will The Iron Throne still be in use? (In other words, will it remain the seat of power for the ruler of Westeros?)
  4. NO
  5. At the end of the final episode, will The Night's Watch still be operating?
  6. NO
  7. Will the remaining episodes of the series ever return to Meereen?
  8. YES
  9. Will the remaining episodes of the series ever return to Dorne?
  10. NO
  11. Will the remaining episodes of the series ever return to Braavos?
  12. YES
  13. Will the series end with a "King in the North"?
  14. YES
  15. Will there be another wedding before the end of the series? (must happen on screen)
  16. YES
  17. Will we ever see a scene set in Casterly Rock?
  18. YES
  19. Will George R.R. Martin release his next book, The Winds of Winter, before the HBO series is completed?

SECTION IV: REUNITED? (2 pts each)

Will the following characters meet again before the end of the series? Yes or no?

  1. Gregor Clegane and Sandor Clegane - NO
  2. Sansa Stark and Arya Stark - YES
  3. Jon Snow and Arya Stark - YES
  4. Daenerys Targaryen and Jorah Mormont - YES
  5. Daenerys Targaryen and Daario Naharis - YES
  6. Jon Snow and Sam Tarly - YES
  7. Tyrion Lannister and Cersei Lannister - YES
  8. Tyrion Lannister and Jaime Lannister - YES
  9. Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister - NO
  10. Jon Snow and Bran Stark - YES
  11. Davos Seaworth and Melisandre - YES
  12. Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne - NO
  13. Tyrion Lannister and Bronn - YES
  14. Arya Stark and Cersei Lannister - NO
  15. Arya Stark and Jaqen H'ghar - NO


In the end, who will rule Westeros?
The Starks

Bonus question (3 pts for the right answer)

At the end of the series, how many Starks will reside in Winterfell? (Starks must be living or at least undead, any new children produced by Starks will be added to the total.) 4

Can't wait to see how wrong I am here.