I liked this a little less because it wasn't a narrative episode about characters I care about, but ---

The faux ads and "trans-racial" profile felt like outtakes from an alt-universe Chapelle show, one in which it never went off the air.

This exchange was incredible:

Montague: Paper Boi, are you afraid to speak your mind on this subject?

Paper Boi: Actually, yep, I am. You can't say real shit any more without somebody trying to make sure you never make money again.

Montague: So you feel like you're being persecuted?

Paper Boi: Yes, I am. You can't even say 'ho' in a song no more.

Dr. Debra Holt: A travesty, I'm sure.

Paper Boi: Yo, like why you talk like that? Like, 'a travesty, I'm sure.' Like, what?

Dr. Debra Holt: You're whining about chickens coming home to roost.

Paper Boi: No, no, no, no. Rap is chickens coming home to roost. Look, my life is messed up from shit y'all did, okay? That's black news. You can look that up.

Dr. Debra Holt: Your news is problematic.

Paper Boi: Bitch, that ain't my fault.