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Thread: Rocketeers reboot?

  1. #26
    - - - - -
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    (generally when you trash a film that I love)
    Dude. If I trash a movie, that's my genuine reaction. I never directed any review or part of a review at you directly. That is literally not personal. My reaction to a movie isn't addressed to you. It isn't about you, you complete fucking narcissist.

    Meanwhile, every shitty, obnoxious, toolish thing you've said has been directed straight at me.

    You are making this "grudge" like I follow you into every thread and bully you. This is completely false.
    You do this more than you think you do, and I notice every time. And you've been doing it for a long fucking time.

  2. #27
    Moderator TGM's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    I was doing the whole "you are wrong" drive-by posts to Sven and D_Davis all the time. It's not just you dude. I just enjoy hassling our board's noted contrarians.
    Tone can be hard to read in plain text sometimes. If certain posts are made in jest, making that fact clearer can prevent future outbursts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. #28
    - - - - -
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    I was doing the whole "you are wrong" drive-by posts to Sven and D_Davis all the time. It's not just you dude. I just enjoy hassling our board's noted contrarians.
    Now who is misperceiving our "online relationship"? Since when have you and I ever been anything close to chummy? You knew Sven and Davis from back in the day. I showed up 3 years after that and you've never been anything but a total git.

    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    This is far way snider than anything I have posted about you. The posts you quoted are dismissive, but ultimately in jest. This is a personal attack.
    LOL, right. Last refuge of the completely-full-of-shit, "I was just joking!" "Can't you take a joke!" "I do that with everybody!"

    You're a cunt.

  4. #29
    - - - - -
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    You are making this "grudge" like I follow you into every thread and bully you. This is completely false.
    Dude. I found a half dozen examples of your being an ass without trying.

    Gimme the database and a few SQL runs and I guarantee I'll 20+ more, going back at least three years.

  5. #30
    - - - - -
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    "I just enjoy hassling our board's noted contrarians."

    Seriously, 8. Replace his avatar with a twitter egg or an anime cartoon. You know what I'm talking about.

    Imagine saying something like that in any other online space these days.

  6. #31
    - - - - -
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    Walking away for a long while.

    Everybody take care.

    Go fuck yourself, Watashi, you miserable choad.

  7. #32
    Kung Fu Hippie Watashi's Avatar
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    Big Apple, 3 AM
    Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
    Dude. If I trash a movie, that's my genuine reaction. I never directed any review or part of a review at you directly. That is literally not personal. My reaction to a movie isn't addressed to you. It isn't about you, you complete fucking narcissist.
    Again, why are you so upset? Why are you calling me names?

    I never said you personally directed your reviews at me. I was responding to them because they are films that I love. Note how I don't do those type of posts on movies like Batman vs. Superman.

    Let's break it down:

    I want to see what Irish's Oscars are like.

    It's probably just David O. Russell masturbating on stage for 3 hours.
    This is probably the harshest thing I've said to you, but again it was a kneejerk response because everyone was praising Rock's performance but you. It was also a dig at your love of David O. Russell, a recent Oscar-chaser director.

    Irish continues to be wrong.
    You didn't even write a review of this. I just noticed that you were the only nay in the World of Tomorrow thread and I posted it to get a reaction so you would post an explanation. Again, a film that everyone who voted loved, but you.

    As for Irish's post. That shit's cray.
    You cherry-picked this post because I actually responded to your main argument about the narration of It's Such a Beautiful Day. This was more than a driveby post. The film is a personal film to me and one of my all-time favorites. Of course I'm going to be defensive. If it was you, Sven, meg, or Spinal, I would have said the exact same post.

    I think Davis was just giving his best Irish impression.
    Again, nothing to do with a review, but just a silly post synonyming your name with being contrarian. I mean, Davis was praising Uwe Boll and I wasn't the only one calling him out on it.

    I see Irish has brought his total wrongness to this thread as well.
    Mad Max: Fury Road. A film I loved. I already got into a jestful argument with Eric and Amber earlier in the thread, so my negative posts were not completely centered around you.

    Lol at Daniel Bruhl as a total nobody.
    This is less a snide remark rather than confusion of how you through Bruhl was a nobody when the dude was already established as a significant actor thanks to his performance in Rush.
    Sure why not?

    STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (Rian Johnson) - 9
    STRONGER (David Gordon Green) - 6
    THE DISASTER ARTIST (James Franco) - 7
    THE FLORIDA PROJECT (Sean Baker) - 9
    LADY BIRD (Greta Gerwig) - 8

    "Hitchcock is really bad at suspense."
    - Stay Puft

  8. #33
    Kung Fu Hippie Watashi's Avatar
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    Big Apple, 3 AM
    Oh I guess I didn't need to post that then since Irish has finished his final say on me.

    Oh well.

    Remember that time I melted down when Spinal hated Up! (a film I rewatched and found unbearable now) or that time I got really angry about how Spinal was running his Music Video tournament and proclaimed myself "King of the Tournaments." We all have our weird episodes. Pretty sure this is the strangest one I've been in though.
    Sure why not?

    STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (Rian Johnson) - 9
    STRONGER (David Gordon Green) - 6
    THE DISASTER ARTIST (James Franco) - 7
    THE FLORIDA PROJECT (Sean Baker) - 9
    LADY BIRD (Greta Gerwig) - 8

    "Hitchcock is really bad at suspense."
    - Stay Puft

  9. #34
    Winston* Classic Winston*'s Avatar
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    To Mara(!)

    Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
    This was a dumb comment, even for you.

  10. #35
    Of all the films, The Rocketeer is the one that rips the forum asunder, exposing years of pent up frustration and simmering tension.
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    Moby Dick (2011) 50

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  11. #36
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    We've allllllllllll had our problems with one another on here. It still blows my mind that we can't be civil with each other. I see both sides of the coin here because... I can relate.

    Syco and I had our grievances until we called a truce back in 2011. We've be good since . I know it's 2011 because it's one of the PM's I've saved.
    Wats was on my ignore list for a couple years for the same reason Irish mentioned. We seemed to have buried that hatchet.
    Qrazy and I went back and forth.
    Meg and I.
    Hell, I even yelled at Irish a few times... AFTER being the only one who defended him when he sent Raiders a message that he wanted his accounted deactivated because of: comments like in this thread.

    What's important is that the people who get called out, own up to it. Understand that.. yeh, maybe you were out of line. Regardless of what shit is going on in your life. Regardless of how drunk you were when you posted it. Regardless of what you thought was a little ribbing. People don't get upset for no reason. Regardless if it's just a discussion board.

    It's all something we can get past.

    Last edited by Dukefrukem; 07-29-2016 at 02:46 AM.
    Twitch / Youtube / Film Diary

    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  12. #37
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)

    My snide remark was because Irish was making assumptions of a film that doesn't even have a script yet. We have no idea how Disney will introduce this heroine and I'm sure there's a reason she's made black and female other than progressive pandering. I am as critical of the Mouse as they come despite me working for them, but I will wait to judge them when I see a finished product in front of me. I honestly don't care if Disney's track-record isn't hot for these type of properties. Directors, writers, and actors grew up with these stories and it's cool that Disney is allowing them to make the movies they want to make. They still have Star Wars and Marvel to rake in the revenue to afford a risky project like this. I didn't know how to respond to his post because I didn't know how to respond to it. It flabbergasts me that someone could be offended by trying something different and subverting race in a period superhero film.
    Honest question,

    Don't you think the bolded post would have been better than what you ended up posting?
    Twitch / Youtube / Film Diary

    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  13. #38
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    I don't know where to begin.

    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  14. #39
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Winston* (view post)
    To Mara(!)
    4 posts later:

    Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
    What, that? I was totally joking.

    Don't take things out of context.
    Twitch / Youtube / Film Diary

    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  15. #40
    Winston* Classic Winston*'s Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Backpedaling on what wasn't a joke IMO, but I shouldn't have brought it up anyway. No need to contribute to online negativity.

    I've been to the movies 12 times in the last week. The new Herzog's fun. Anyone else seen it? Seeing the new Ghibli this weekend.

  16. #41
    Administrator Ezee E's Avatar
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    What if this movie doesn't even happen?

    Barbarian - ***
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  17. #42
    Match Cut is in a weird zone where it is a very small, relatively long-running community, which facilitates a closer, more realistic interaction between posters while at the same time still fundamentally being an anonymous message board. So there will always be this tension between 3 groups: those who think the context of MC requires a more civil, polite form of interaction, those who think we are all friends here and busting chops is something friends do, and those who just see it as an anonymous forum for unbridled opinion delivery, with all the pros and cons that entails.

    The solution?

    Last 10 Movies Seen
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    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

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    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

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  18. #43
    Quote Quoting Winston* (view post)
    Backpedaling on what wasn't a joke IMO, but I shouldn't have brought it up anyway. No need to contribute to online negativity.

    I've been to the movies 12 times in the last week. The new Herzog's fun. Anyone else seen it? Seeing the new Ghibli this weekend.
    I went and saw Train to Busan. Solid zombie entry coated in typical Korean melodrama.
    Last 10 Movies Seen
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    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

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  19. #44
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Ezee E (view post)
    What if this movie doesn't even happen?
    Well.. it probably will be another 6-8 years before it ends up getting made. Like the Point Break remake thread. Poltergeist remake thread. And we can all come back and read this thread and laugh.
    Twitch / Youtube / Film Diary

    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  20. #45
    Quote Quoting Ezee E (view post)
    What if this movie doesn't even happen?
    Probably for the best. Based on the thread so far, the day of release will look like the end of Event Horizon in here.
    Last 10 Movies Seen
    (90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)

    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

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  21. #46
    Sunrise, Sunset Wryan's Avatar
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    This thread took off like the Rocketeer on his way to stopping Nazi Dalton from blowing a blimp up or something.
    "How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"


  22. #47
    Winston* Classic Winston*'s Avatar
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    Quote Quoting transmogrifier (view post)
    I went and saw Train to Busan. Solid zombie entry coated in typical Korean melodrama.
    Have you seen The Handmaiden yet? Might see it this weekend also.

  23. #48
    Quote Quoting Winston* (view post)
    Have you seen The Handmaiden yet? Might see it this weekend also.
    Yep. Two thirds of a good movie, but the last act is kind of just there, with the movie running out of plot and depth by then. The two female leads are excellent, the two male leads saddled with rather poorly sketched characters.
    Last 10 Movies Seen
    (90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)

    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

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  24. #49

  25. #50
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    I was doing the whole "you are wrong" drive-by posts to Sven and D_Davis all the time. It's not just you dude. I just enjoy hassling our board's noted contrarians.
    I dont really want to get into this, and maybe Im just missing the threads they post in...but dont those two rarely visit anymore? Something to consider. I wish they were around more.

    That aside...when the gangsters realize they been hoodwinked and join the cops to fight the Nazis...i cry like a kid with a skinned knee. Every. Damn. Time. I love that scene so much.

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