Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
Having slept on it, I DO very much like this movie, but pretty much all of its glaring flaws stem from its over-familiarity with A New Hope. Sorta like how Into Darkness felt like it was more interesting in recreating Wrath of Kahn as opposed to telling a new movie, this one, too, feels more worried about throwing in references than it does in telling a whole new compelling story, which actually started to make me groan at points. That said, the cast very much DOES make this movie work, but I'm not sure Abrams was the right man for the job after all.
I feel very confident giving this a ***½, but that does have somewhat to do with the fact that I've become more lenient, more aware of a general decrease in quality of major tentpole movies. I think this movie has an edge, something extra, a real heart, it's not an empty spectacle, but you are right about the bit I've bolded. The problem I think is actually even bigger than that. [