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Thread: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Season 3)

  1. #1
    I'm in the milk... Mara's Avatar
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    Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Season 3)

    Phil Coulson: Who is that woman?
    Me: It's Quinn from UnReal! You should totally watch that. It was great.

    Bobbi: She's only alone when she drinks her coffee on the train.
    Me: HEY, you're not allowed to drink coffee on the DC metro trains! IT'S A TRAP!

    (That really looked like a DC metro train, BTW. The establishing shots definitely were, and the car/map inside looked pretty convincing.)

    The special effects are looking great this year.
    ...and the milk's in me.

  2. #2
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    Solid premiere. I like that they're not superhero-lite anymore, but I really don't want them to get into too much Flash style superhero CG battles, though. Daisy and Lincoln shooting projectiles at Lash was the low point of the episode. This show has really gotten to excel at the hand-to-hand fight choreography and spy stuff, and it should really be more of that kind of show.

    For some reason, I find it kinda funny, kinda neat that they bring in William Sadler whenever they can to do a few seconds of Presidential speeches.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  3. #3
    I'm in the milk... Mara's Avatar
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    It feels like Chad Lindberg has made a career out of being "that IT/computer guy" on television.

    Also, I love Spencer Treat Clark, especially the hair part of him, and I'm happy to have him as a recurring character.
    ...and the milk's in me.

  4. #4
    - - - - -
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    Felt a bit frustrated with how this show settled into formula (the last 3 episodes are all but indistinguishable from each other)... But this last.

    Not only did they toss out an actual science fiction story, they did it well. It might not have been the freshest concept or direction, but that episode was far and away the best episode of comic book tv I've seen this year

  5. #5
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    The episode itself was very well done (I even forgive that it's unreasonable to expect the actors to gradually lose weight), but it's a really lacking answer to the mystery of her ordeal. Simmons' traumatized and paranoid behavior doesn't really line up with the reveal that she was not alone for 5/6th of her time there (which she explicitly argued she was with Dr. Hot Psychiatrist in a previous episode) and had a cozy sex bunker away from what's hunting her, to boot. Why did she feel the need to keep Hunky Matt Damon a secret from everyone anyway? To protect Fitz's feelings? That seems really petty.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  6. #6
    I'm in the milk... Mara's Avatar
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    Please please please let the secret cult that sent the astronauts be Wolfram & Hart.
    ...and the milk's in me.

  7. #7
    I'm in the milk... Mara's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Mara (view post)
    Please please please let the secret cult that sent the astronauts be Wolfram & Hart.
    Eh, HydraRam & Hart; less interesting.
    ...and the milk's in me.

  8. #8
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    I love evil Ward so much.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  9. #9
    - - - - -
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    Welp. Didn't see that coming.

  10. #10
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    This season the show fully recognizes the strength of Fitz/Simmom (both the performances and their characters' storyline), and really leans into it. Quite manipulative, but damn it still totally got me.
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  11. #11
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
    Welp. Didn't see that coming.
    Brutal episode.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  12. #12
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting number8 (view post)
    I love evil Ward so much.
    Still true though.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  13. #13
    Scott of the Antarctic Milky Joe's Avatar
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    Just caught up. Zombie Ward!!!
    ‎The severed arm perfectly acquitted itself, because of the simplicity of its wishes and its total lack of doubt.

  14. #14
    Scott of the Antarctic Milky Joe's Avatar
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    There's a hole in my world since I caught up on this show. Watched Agent Carter to ease the withdrawal... but nothing will suffice. I need it back in my life. I need more of Coulson's raspy exposition... his superhuman ability to always Do the Right Thing... more star-crossed Fitz/Simmons drama... need more!

    Damn the midseason break.
    ‎The severed arm perfectly acquitted itself, because of the simplicity of its wishes and its total lack of doubt.

  15. #15
    man i love this show

  16. #16
    Scott of the Antarctic Milky Joe's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Me too
    ‎The severed arm perfectly acquitted itself, because of the simplicity of its wishes and its total lack of doubt.

  17. #17
    Scott of the Antarctic Milky Joe's Avatar
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    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Season 3.5)

    This needs its own thread.

    Glad this show is back.

    ‎The severed arm perfectly acquitted itself, because of the simplicity of its wishes and its total lack of doubt.

  18. #18
    - - - - -
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    It has its own thread?

    You posted in it 4 days ago.


  19. #19
    Scott of the Antarctic Milky Joe's Avatar
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    New year, new (half) season, new thread. Simple. People might get confused if the only new thread for a currently airing show is in the forum for last year.
    ‎The severed arm perfectly acquitted itself, because of the simplicity of its wishes and its total lack of doubt.

  20. #20
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    Jul 2014
    "I love you."
    "I don't hate you quite as much."

    May is really the Ron Swanson of the team.
    Midnight Run (1988) - 9
    The Smiling Lieutenant (1931) - 8.5
    The Adventures of Robinhood (1938) - 8
    Sisters (1973) - 6.5
    Shin Godzilla (2016) - 7.5

  21. #21
    Scott of the Antarctic Milky Joe's Avatar
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    Sad to see them leave, but can't say I'm too excited about a whole show dedicated to Hunter and Bobbi. This show works as an ensemble, they work as a part of that ensemble. Oh well. That "spy's goodbye" scene was hilariously over the top/dramatic, though, particularly Coulson's uber serious toast.
    ‎The severed arm perfectly acquitted itself, because of the simplicity of its wishes and its total lack of doubt.

  22. #22
    I'm in the milk... Mara's Avatar
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    I WAS SO AFRAID THEY WERE GONNA DIE. Are they getting a spin off? I thought that wasn't gonna happen.
    Last edited by Mara; 03-25-2016 at 10:51 PM.
    ...and the milk's in me.

  23. #23
    Scott of the Antarctic Milky Joe's Avatar
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    Looks like ABC hasn't made a final decision on it yet, so we'll see. I'm guessing it will happen though.
    ‎The severed arm perfectly acquitted itself, because of the simplicity of its wishes and its total lack of doubt.

  24. #24
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    It is already happening. They're shooting the pilot now.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  25. #25

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