So we're three episodes into this season and it's looking like it's positioned to be every bit as wonderful as the first. I was really worried that in response to fandom, the show was going to become very continuity heavy, but even while the world of R&M is starting to be more defined, it doesn't yet feel anywhere near too self-referential.

In particular, for this season, I was impressed with Sunday's episode. It revealed a lot about Rick's character in the form of a past love so perfect, the concept for it has to be almost beyond comprehension.

And not to get too slobbering in my praise, but Rick's "Cops are racist" was such a darkly perfect joke. The average throwaway joke in R&M has a lot crammed into it.

Conventional wisdom on the show seems to be that Justin Roiland brings the insanity and Dan Harmon grounds it with his sense of story. I'm sure there's something to that. At the same time, though, I'm impressed again and again by Roiland's ability to absolutely nail his vocal performances in terms of emotional tone.

Rick & Morty may well be my favorite thing on TV.