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Thread: Aloha (Cameron Crowe)

  1. #1
    Moderator TGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Aloha (Cameron Crowe)


    Director: Cameron Crowe


  2. #2
    Moderator TGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Yeesh, I thought San Andreas was supposed to be the only disaster flick releasing this weekend. The writing in this movie is an absolute trainwreck, and it feels as if Cameron Crowe had written this after having spent the past 10 or so years in absolute isolation from society or something with how insanely out of touch this is movie as far as how the characters act in these given scenarios.

    In terms of their writing, I don't buy a single thing this movie's trying to tell us. And yet, despite all that, the actors give it their absolute all to try and sell this shit regardless, and it almost, almost actually works. Holy shit does this movie have far better performances than it deserves, but they're the lone saving grace to this mess of a movie, that oftentimes feels like it doesn't even know what it's trying to say or do itself, what with the plethora of underdeveloped ideas it tosses at you with little to no build or forewarning. (In fact, I watched one review that described this movie as being as if Cameron Crowe had so many ideas for movies that he still wanted to use, but then had a panic of "what if this is my last movie?!", and so just decided to dump all of his ideas into this one film, and boy does this movie feel precisely like that may actually be the case here.)

    With lesser actors, this movie would've been painful to sit through. But as is, they managed to keep me from hating this movie too much, though it does still hurt to try and think about it in hindsight.

  3. #3
    Cinematographer Mal's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Everything about this was boring, phony and white bread. I like most of the actors in this film and as these characters I hated every single one of them. I don't even know how I sat through 100 minutes of this blah-ness without falling asleep.

  4. #4

    Beautiful sun-drenched beaches, joyous casualness, an arms race, falling in love after 2 minutes - HOLY SHIT THIS FILM IS ALL...- pain, silence, the inability to communicate, though lets jump into our deepest darkest feelings for a lit - OVER THE PLACE! - tle bit, shall we, and just blurt out what we are thinking, and the stars, so beautiful, the army fucking over the natives again, I'm no sell out but I have great pain - random flashback - and I shut people off, hey, a dance off with Bill Murray, this is a romantic comedy, but it feels like one that was written by someone who was high channel surfing the last 20 years of - what the fuck, a subtitle gag! - romantic comedies, but some espionage thriller got stuck in there, The Fly-style, and John Krasinski is playing Jim Halpert that time Pam got him on jinx in The Office, and oh lets have a nicely played, emotional scene to wrap up an entirely different movie to the one we just watched.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Even with some ludicrous material, a lot of this feels distinctly adult in sensibility for rom-com genre, or even today's romantic dramas, that I see the auteurist appeal. But the very earnest approach and disparate plot elements feel like a deadly combo, rendering huge chunks of the film so lethargic, with too few striking emotional moments in between. Emma Stone gives it her all so despite the choppy writing, her character ultimately works for me, and Rachel McAdams is the only one who feels effortless, investing a thin character with much understated internal life and history. And man, that last scene of wordless understanding outsides at the hula studio is so flat-out great and moving, one wonders why the rest of the film isn't more like it. 5/10
    Midnight Run (1988) - 9
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