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Thread: What Are You Listening To?

  1. #3526
    The Pan Qrazy's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Acapelli (view post)
    i prefer their remix mixtapes to any of their albums

    plus the remix of "we share our mother's health" they did is pretty killer
    They have some good tracks for sure, but I mean your preference makes sense. Do you like electronic instrumental music much? You seem more drawn to hip-hop although I could be wrong.
    The Princess and the Pilot - B-
    Playtime (rewatch) - A
    The Hobbit - C-
    The Comedy - D+
    Kings of the Road - C+
    The Odd Couple - B
    Red Rock West - C-
    The Hunger Games - D-
    Prometheus - C
    Tangled - C+

  2. #3527
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    I dig sax solos, although this can be traced back to my extreme love of the sax solo in the amazing Pink Floyd track Us and Them.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  3. #3528
    Quote Quoting Qrazy (view post)
    They have some good tracks for sure, but I mean your preference makes sense. Do you like electronic instrumental music much? You seem more drawn to hip-hop although I could be wrong.
    i would say i do, but that wouldn't be entirely truthful. i much prefer my electronic music to utilize vocals, even if it's just sample-based, like the works of jacques greene and machinedrum

    i could provide examples of instrumental electronic music i like, but i could probably find way more examples that include vocals in some fashion

    Ace Hood - Go N Get It (Remix) feat. Beanie Sigel, Busta Rhymes, Pusha T & Styles P


    busta outshines everyone on this track. as noz (music critic) says, he sounds like a vampire

  4. #3529
    Producer Lucky's Avatar
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    Brett Dennen - "Sydney (I'll Come Running)"

    Infectious little song.


  5. #3530
    Some stuff I've been digging lately:




  6. #3531
    Kanye's Fave Album Glass Co.'s Avatar
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    Yeah, I've been staying up late a lot the past few nights.

  7. #3532
    Kanye's Fave Album Glass Co.'s Avatar
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    Wow, that Blue Orchids track is great, thanks for the introduction. Looking them up on wikipedia, and The Fall connection is no surprise at all.

  8. #3533
    I downloaded The Greatest Hit album on a whim a few weeks ago and was listening to it again today. It holds up great and it's just a blast to listen to, a good random find.

  9. #3534
    Jam (and album) of the year, probably.


  10. #3535
    Best Boy ContinentalOp's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Boner M (view post)
    Jam (and album) of the year, probably.


    Very cool. Will seek them out. In a legal way since I can't find them otherwise.
    Out of ****:
    Chef- ** 1/2
    The Interview- ** 1/2
    White Bird in a Blizzard- ** 1/2
    Frank- *** 1/2
    A Walk Among the Tombstones- ***

  11. #3536
    Crying Enthusiast Sven's Avatar
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  12. #3537
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    A land of corn and technology

    I think this might be my new favorite Bob Dylan track. Also at this point I feel that Bringing It All Back Home is his second best album, at least out of the over a dozen albums I've heard so far from the man.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  13. #3538
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    I love that they left that opening. The story behind it is pretty funny. Dylan is a notoriously brisk and borderline gruff artist in the studio, which tends to keep his accompanying musicians a bit on edge, but he's also known to improvise and play around between takes, working things out with various songs or just kind of goofing a bit. In that particular instance, he'd been toying with lyrics and such between takes while recording that album, and when he broke into "115th Dream" everyone thought he was just playing around, and rather than jumping in with him for the recording, they just sat staring at him while he played. Hilarity ensued. Hearing them all break into laughter is such a great intro. It fits perfectly with the tone of the song.

  14. #3539
    Kanye's Fave Album Glass Co.'s Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
    I love that they left that opening. The story behind it is pretty funny. Dylan is a notoriously brisk and borderline gruff artist in the studio, which tends to keep his accompanying musicians a bit on edge, but he's also known to improvise and play around between takes, working things out with various songs or just kind of goofing a bit. In that particular instance, he'd been toying with lyrics and such between takes while recording that album, and when he broke into "115th Dream" everyone thought he was just playing around, and rather than jumping in with him for the recording, they just sat staring at him while he played. Hilarity ensued. Hearing them all break into laughter is such a great intro. It fits perfectly with the tone of the song.
    I always wondered the story here, just that I always forgot to look it up after listening to the album. Thanks! It is now at least ten times more entertaining.

  15. #3540
    Evil mind, evil sword. Ivan Drago's Avatar
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    The whole album is great, but damn, this hit me hard.
    Last Five Films I've Seen (Out of 5)

    The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Mackesy, 2022) 4.5
    Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Crawford, 2022) 4
    Confess, Fletch (Mottola, 2022) 3.5
    M3GAN (Johnstone, 2023) 3.5
    Turning Red (Shi, 2022) 4.5
    Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953) 5

    615 Film

  16. #3541
    A Bonerfied Classic Derek's Avatar
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    New The Field album = pure deliciousness.

  17. #3542

    Last 10 Movies Seen
    (90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)

    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

    Stuff at Letterboxd
    Listening Habits at LastFM

  18. #3543
    Quote Quoting ContinentalOp (view post)
    Very cool. Will seek them out. In a legal way since I can't find them otherwise.
    Three more tracks from the album here give a good idea of their diversity; Kraftwerk/Eno-ish dark synth numbers, HC punk (most of their members are from that background), and nervy Wire/The Feelies-ish post-punk. Also you can legally download it here.

  19. #3544
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
    I love that they left that opening. The story behind it is pretty funny. Dylan is a notoriously brisk and borderline gruff artist in the studio, which tends to keep his accompanying musicians a bit on edge, but he's also known to improvise and play around between takes, working things out with various songs or just kind of goofing a bit. In that particular instance, he'd been toying with lyrics and such between takes while recording that album, and when he broke into "115th Dream" everyone thought he was just playing around, and rather than jumping in with him for the recording, they just sat staring at him while he played. Hilarity ensued. Hearing them all break into laughter is such a great intro. It fits perfectly with the tone of the song.
    So was Dylan laughing with them? That's a really cool story. I figured something like that was behind the song, but I didn't know the full extent. Also the lyrics in 115th Dream are amazing. I finally just decided last week to ignore the guitar work and the vocals and just listen to the lyrics, only, and they blew my mind. The ending to that song is hilarious and perfect.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  20. #3545
    Last 10 Movies Seen
    (90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)

    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

    Stuff at Letterboxd
    Listening Habits at LastFM

  21. #3546
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Considering I just watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High this week, its appropriate that when I pop back into this thread someone posts a link to that song. Gotta love The Cars.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  22. #3547
    Stunt Man endingcredits's Avatar
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    The Red Shoes (Powell, 1948)
    Manhattan Murder Mystery (Allen, 1993)
    Spring Breakers (Korine, 2012)
    Sydney (Anderson, 1996)
    El ángel exterminador (Luis Buñuel, 1963)

  23. #3548
    A Bonerfied Classic Derek's Avatar
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    Nice on Fugazi. Definitely one of the best bands I finally got around to this year, especially Repeater and The Argument.



  24. #3549

    love me some bass music

  25. #3550
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    A land of corn and technology

    Devo rules.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

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