Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
I think the controversy isn't that it's "rapey" (it's not), it's just that she's is such a non-character throughout the entire film and the film just decides to end on her. We don't care about her. The fact that she is a princess just reinforces the video game trope that she needs to be rescued by the hero and gives herself up as the reward. It's more than wish fulfillment, it comes out of nowhere as she isn't sexually portrayed earlier on in the film.

The film is better than Kick Ass which has similar misogynistic problems, but at least the supporting cast is interesting though the film really suffers when Firth departs. I rather have had Roxie as the lead.
I agree that she's a mere reward but my opinion about the scene is the same as Grouchy, it was a version of the 'James Bond ending' and making her a princess reinforced the trope, yes, I believe it was intentional. The whole movie keeps doing this: it frequently parodies and makes nods to spy movies while building it's own origin story at the same time, like DaMU said above, it's like two movies playing at the same time.

About the controversy, I don't think people rationalized much about the cinematic values, some of them seemed clearly offended by the imagery in itself, one co-worker told me the scene was borderline porn, which is a silly hyperbole and it surprised me coming from him. Looks like watching a butt in first person evokes some primitive reactions on people.