View Poll Results: Anna Karenina

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Thread: Anna Karenina (Joe Wright)

  1. #1
    Kung Fu Hippie Watashi's Avatar
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    Big Apple, 3 AM

    Anna Karenina (Joe Wright)

    Sure why not?

    STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (Rian Johnson) - 9
    STRONGER (David Gordon Green) - 6
    THE DISASTER ARTIST (James Franco) - 7
    THE FLORIDA PROJECT (Sean Baker) - 9
    LADY BIRD (Greta Gerwig) - 8

    "Hitchcock is really bad at suspense."
    - Stay Puft

  2. #2
    Kung Fu Hippie Watashi's Avatar
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    Big Apple, 3 AM
    Stylistically, this is Speed Racer by Tolstoy. The continuous stage-setting is refreshing at first, but it ultimately becomes a distraction.

    It's funny that I saw The Deep Blue Sea earlier this week because that does Anna Karenina better than this film. All I could think about was how much better Rachel Weisz was at Anna than Keira Knightley.
    Sure why not?

    STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (Rian Johnson) - 9
    STRONGER (David Gordon Green) - 6
    THE DISASTER ARTIST (James Franco) - 7
    THE FLORIDA PROJECT (Sean Baker) - 9
    LADY BIRD (Greta Gerwig) - 8

    "Hitchcock is really bad at suspense."
    - Stay Puft

  3. #3
    Cinematographer Mal's Avatar
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    A pleasant theatrical experience but I just can't give it a Yay. I have too many reservations about the style of this film and how much Wright did and did not do to boost the material.

  4. #4
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    It's a very slight, very superficial adaptation. I don't think the style ever became a distraction, but it only serves itself, and by having the film move so effortlessly fast, it makes Anna's love for Kick-Ass seem more bipolar than a discovery.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  5. #5
    Ain't that just the way EyesWideOpen's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    Stylistically, this is Speed Racer by Tolstoy. The continuous stage-setting is refreshing at first, but it ultimately becomes a distraction.
    I disagree. I actually was disappointed that after using it heavily for the first 30 minutes or so of the movie it went away except for rare occasions throughout the rest of the film.
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  6. #6
    Don't really have much to say about this one other than I enjoyed the theatrics of it all but I found the story a total snooze.

  7. #7
    needs therapy, maybe. NickGlass's Avatar
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    Aaron Johnson makes me laugh. He's very pretty, but silly; his ostentatious gestures highlight the absurdity of performance while his occasionally flat delivery is rendered transparently dull considering the juxtaposed flair for camp. Wait, I forgot if I was talking about Aaron or Anna Karenina itself. Umm, oh yeah, it's definitely both.
    I'm writing for Slant Magazine now, so check out my list of reviews.

    Hopefully I'll have the energy to update my signature soon.

  8. #8
    i am the great went ledfloyd's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Watashi (view post)
    Stylistically, this is Speed Racer by Tolstoy. The continuous stage-setting is refreshing at first, but it ultimately becomes a distraction.
    conversely, i didn't feel it was faithful enough to its aesthetic. it would shift from the overly theatrical stage-settings to more conventional sets, to the russian countryside, but then would have outdoor scenes inside, etc. etc. it was jarring and kept me from ever being able to become fully enveloped in the story, despite it being the most beautiful film i've seen from 2012.

  9. #9
    The Pan Spinal's Avatar
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    This film confirms for me that Wright is one of the most stylish, pleasingly theatrical directors alive. And yet, once again, he's working with material of limited interest. I just find it hard to care all that much about 19th century slut shaming.
    Coming to America (Landis, 1988) **
    The Beach Bum (Korine, 2019) *1/2
    Us (Peele, 2019) ***1/2
    Fugue (Smoczynska, 2018) ***1/2
    Prisoners (Villeneuve, 2013) ***1/2
    Shadow (Zhang, 2018) ***
    Oslo, August 31st (J. Trier, 2011) ****
    Climax (Noé, 2018) **1/2
    Fighting With My Family (Merchant, 2019) **
    Upstream Color (Carruth, 2013) ***

  10. #10
    Producer Lucky's Avatar
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    This is not the adaptation I was hoping to see from Wright after reading this novel. He boiled an enriching, multicentric, psychological character study down to a stagey soap opera. Ugh. This might have been more palatable had I been unfamiliar with Tolstoy's original work. As it stands--a gross misfire.

    EDIT: Must give credit to the ball dance sequence. One of my favorite parts of the novel as well.

  11. #11
    По́мните Катю... Izzy Black's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Spinal (view post)
    This film confirms for me that Wright is one of the most stylish, pleasingly theatrical directors alive. And yet, once again, he's working with material of limited interest. I just find it hard to care all that much about 19th century slut shaming.
    Yeah. Because it's so irrelevant. And stuff.

  12. #12
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Israfel the Black (view post)
    Yeah. Because it's so irrelevant. And stuff.
    The 19th century is sooo two centuries ago.
    Quote Quoting Donald Glover
    I was actually just reading about Matt Damon and he’s like, ‘There’s a culture of outrage.’ I’m like, ‘Well, they have a reason to be outraged.’ I think it’s a lot of dudes just being scared. They’re like, ‘What if I did something and I didn’t realize it?’ I’m like, ‘Deal with it.’
    Movie Theater Diary

  13. #13
    The Pan Qrazy's Avatar
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    Why is there an enormous A and K in that poster, that's dumb as hell.
    The Princess and the Pilot - B-
    Playtime (rewatch) - A
    The Hobbit - C-
    The Comedy - D+
    Kings of the Road - C+
    The Odd Couple - B
    Red Rock West - C-
    The Hunger Games - D-
    Prometheus - C
    Tangled - C+

  14. #14
    The Pan Spinal's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Israfel the Black (view post)
    Yeah. Because it's so irrelevant. And stuff.
    There are certain topics that I'm just not grappling with at this point in my life. And stuff.
    Coming to America (Landis, 1988) **
    The Beach Bum (Korine, 2019) *1/2
    Us (Peele, 2019) ***1/2
    Fugue (Smoczynska, 2018) ***1/2
    Prisoners (Villeneuve, 2013) ***1/2
    Shadow (Zhang, 2018) ***
    Oslo, August 31st (J. Trier, 2011) ****
    Climax (Noé, 2018) **1/2
    Fighting With My Family (Merchant, 2019) **
    Upstream Color (Carruth, 2013) ***

  15. #15
    The Pan Qrazy's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Quoting Spinal (view post)
    There are certain topics that I'm just not grappling with at this point in my life. And stuff.
    Prob cause you're not a slut, give it a shot and then see if the film resonates.

    But in all seriousness do read the book because it has a psychological complexity that I'm sure the film didn't fully capture. It's a classic for a reason and the reason is not the overarching narrative as much as it is the nuanced portrayal of these characters.
    The Princess and the Pilot - B-
    Playtime (rewatch) - A
    The Hobbit - C-
    The Comedy - D+
    Kings of the Road - C+
    The Odd Couple - B
    Red Rock West - C-
    The Hunger Games - D-
    Prometheus - C
    Tangled - C+

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Several dents here: even as a non-book reader, I can tell there's some wobbly adapting job going on during third act; the theatrical conceit is inconsistently employed; Aaron fuckin' Taylor-Johnson (on the other end of genre spectrum, Godzilla hinders itself by choosing his bland presence as the human focus)... but that gorgeously orchestrated conceit so totally overwhelms me into submission. Whenever it appears, Wright's camera helps heighten the characters' feeling and situations' turn into the stratosphere; if it's up to me, that expressionistic tableau of a waltz scene could have gone on forever. 7.5/10
    Midnight Run (1988) - 9
    The Smiling Lieutenant (1931) - 8.5
    The Adventures of Robinhood (1938) - 8
    Sisters (1973) - 6.5
    Shin Godzilla (2016) - 7.5

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