Well, I thought it was pretty great. There were two close-ups that really caught my attention. One was on an ashtray bursting at the seams with cigarette butts as if Affleck was concerned the period detail wouldn't be authentic enough. And another was during the Arkin/Goodman diner sequence where we see a wall of celebrities, including Cary Grant and Burt Lancaster, but for some reason the camera seems to home in on Lee Majors, the six million dollar man. He also did The Fall Guy in the 80's in which he played stuntman Colt Seavers, a kind of employment that deals with make believe in the movies, an unsung hero. Like Tony Mendez perhaps? I'm probably reaching, but one of the last lines is telling. "An American what?"

I was also reminded of Apollo 13 when the CIA agents congratulated themselves on a job well done. Anyone else thought of the scene with C3PO in return of the jedi narrating to the Ewok population when Scoot McNairy was making blaster and spaceship noises to the national guard?

The ending on the runway was a bit overblown. I half expected Lee Marvin to start growling "Where the hell is McCoy?!" after which Chuck Norris obliterates the opposition with his missile-equipped motorcycle.