December 31, 2012 will be my last day as the admin here. On New Year's Day 2013, I will no longer host the site. I may no longer post here, though I will probably be around time-to-time. I just no longer want to have such an involvement with this forum. My life is very crazy and I find that the moments each day I am able to post, it is no longer enjoyable. I do not discuss films much anymore and only watch them a little more than that. My time and dedication to this forum are coming to an end. I love this place, for the most part, and the community we have formed. I am sad to this day I have not met any of you in real life. Maybe I still will one day (though you all seem reluctant to come to the Baltimore/Washington area).

The relevant points:

1) Someone needs to step up and manage the hosting of the site and upkeep of the database.
2) Someone (likely the same person as above) needs to be the admin for the site. The main responsibility is new members, the banner, new features, forum layout changes and so forth.
3) This needs to happen before December 31st so I can coordinate the back-up of the database and copy the files to be transferred.

I will leave it to the current moderators (Spinal, KF and chrisnu) whether they wish to keep going in their roles.

I will say that it is NOT time-consuming, but it is important to be available should the site go down or suffer any problems/glitches. More-or-less, the site runs itself. We are small enough and familiar enough that nothing major ever really happens, but it is always a possibility.

In any case, this is indeed the end of my reign. Please be aware this is not related to any one specific person or incident. Sure, recent activity has made this all the more clear on my part that I wish to end my time as admin, but this is something I have been considering for a while now. I am not so sensitive as to make this decision because of one incident or individual. I merely do not wish to have the label of "admin" or the responsibility any more.

I will not repeat the mistake I feel Rebort made in abandoning the forum, but please be certain that on January 1st 2013, the site will either be under new leadership or will cease to be running.