Don't know if it's worth a thread but why not ?
When I was a child I wanted to be an astronaut and with a friend we drew sketches imagining our spaceship and made stories out of it.

I'm not a scientist, something I wish I studied more science, I'm mostly ignorant. However, I love looking at amazing pictures of stars, asteroids, new planets and so on... Kind of made me dream again...

Anyway, this summer I read an article about the discorevy of new planet orbiting two suns, which presents double sunset... doesn't make you remember of something...
Well, unlike of Star Wars’ Tatooine, the planet is cold, gaseous and not with possible life.

see 2 videos of the planet here on NASA site

A picture I've just looked today, which I found really beautiful :

Asteroid Lutetia. Some parts of its surface are around 3.6 billion years old. (information can be read here)