Okay, this Google+ thing has got me confused now with everyone's name; I thought maybe we could post our real names on this page for easy reference, unless I am the only one struggling with this in that case we can just ignore this thread.

So if you don't mind, please add your name here. I will add your handle and real name to the list below. You can also add your e-mail if you'd like for future connections and such.

The ones I know

[ETM] - Budislav B. - budo.basovic [at] gm
bac0n - Jacques C - supaax1 [at] gm
Barty - Stephen M.
Brightside - Chris C. - avidadollars2011 [at] gm
BuffaloWilder - Henry B - henry.thefilmist.j0[at]gm
chrisnu - Chris N. - chris [at] chrisnu [dot] com - FB - TW - G+
D_davis - Daniel D.
dukefrukem - Steve E. - Dukefrukem [at] gm -
eternity - Zach H. - zach [at] postavant
Ezee_E - Eric B.
Fezzik - Daniel G - kuelthador [at] gm
Isaac - Isaac
Ivan Drago - Kevin A. TW
KK2.0 - Ary M - G+
Kurosawa Fan - Mike B.
Lasse - Lasse - FB
MadMan - FB - TW - TMBLR
megladon8 - Bradon
Milky Joe - Alex F.
Morris Schæffer - Alexander R. Pennypacker
number8 - Arya P. aryaponto [at] gm - FB - TW - G+
Philosophe_rouge - Justine S. - smith.justinea [at] gm
Raiders - Phil W.
shaun - Shaun W.
Skitch - Erik M. lordskitch [at] hm
soitgoes... - Chris D - FB
Spinal - Joel
Spun - Mike N.
Sven - Sven P.
Sycophant - John M johndmoore5 [at] gmail FB - TW -G+
Thirdmango - Jon F.