Can we add tapatalk compatibility for mobile phones?
Can we add tapatalk compatibility for mobile phones?
Any thoughts on this? It's easy to implement.
Can I just request that, if it's implemented, everyone using it immediately disables the "Sent from my [gadget] using Tapatalk" sig? Thanks.
Absolutely reasonable.Quoting [ETM] (view post)
I was like, "What's a thread about the discussion of Tapas doing in the Maintenance thread?"
Still waiting to hear from the admin
I'm with you Duke this would be extremely helpful.
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I would really like this as well.
Cmon Raiders. Don't you want opinions in the database thread as soon as the credits start rollin'?
Need to update the forum to a newer version for this. So, I'll do it sure, but can't just yet.
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Can I request this again, now that we updated? I'd very much like to post from my phone at times, and this would make it much easier.
Seconded.Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
TV Recently Finished:
Catastrophe: Season 1 (2015) A
Rectify: Season 3 (2015) A-
Bojack Horseman: Season 2 (2015) A
True Detective: Season 2 (2015) A-
Wayward Pines: Season 1 (2015) B
Currently Playing: Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise (replay) (XB1) / Contradiction (PC)
Recently Finished: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PS4) A+ / Life is Strange: Ep 4 (PS4) A / Bastion (replay) (PS4) B+
I'm going to request this one last time. I love using Tapatalk for other forums, and would love to see Match Cut on there. From what I understand, it's a fairly easy integration. Can we please look into adding it?Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
Oh, right. OK.
Movie Theater DiaryQuoting Donald Glover
Enjoy. I dislike it so I won't be using it and will not be aware of errors. So any problems just shout.
Movie Theater DiaryQuoting Donald Glover
Wow, I was a dick. Pretty sure I never had any inclination to actually do this. Much better now that there are new overlords.Quoting Raiders (view post)
Recently Viewed:
Thor: The Dark World (2013) **½
The Counselor (2013) *½
Walden (1969) ***
A Hijacking (2012) ***½
Before Midnight (2013) ***
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I'm unfamiliar with tapatalk, what is it exactly?
It's a smartphone app for forums, makes it infinitely easier to browse multiple forums on a phone or a tablet.
Thanks! Much appreciated!Quoting number8 (view post)
Yeah, the old mods were a ragtag group of misfits and masturbators.Quoting Raiders (view post)
Coming to America (Landis, 1988) **
The Beach Bum (Korine, 2019) *1/2
Us (Peele, 2019) ***1/2
Fugue (Smoczynska, 2018) ***1/2
Prisoners (Villeneuve, 2013) ***1/2
Shadow (Zhang, 2018) ***
Oslo, August 31st (J. Trier, 2011) ****
Climax (Noé, 2018) **1/2
Fighting With My Family (Merchant, 2019) **
Upstream Color (Carruth, 2013) ***
I didn't help things.Quoting Raiders (view post)
The app costs 2.99. Yeah I prefer free. Guess if my laptop dies for good I probably won't be able to post on any board save for this one for a while....
There's a free version, Madman.
Huh. I'll have to look again because the only one I saw wasn't free.Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
And meet me tonight in Atlantic City