oooh cool that makes sense then.Quoting EvilShoe (view post)
oooh cool that makes sense then.Quoting EvilShoe (view post)
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
Yeah, I'm super excited to go to that concert, I've seen them twice now, the first time sucked cause it was at a festival in foresty God-knows-where town in Utah and the tech people took forever trying to figure out the wiring, finally Ween got on thinking they were going to do a hour and a half set, after 30 minutes the staff of the event told them their time was up so they got angry and started smashing things. I got away with a drumstick and my other friend got away with a mic stand. It sucked not because of Ween but the event organizers. It was still cool though to see Ween brake anything they could see.Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
The second time was pure bliss.
We're also one of the few countries where Editors are really popular.Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
Such a strange country.
Last movies seen
Frank: Good
Mistaken for Strangers: Good
Guardians of the Galaxy: Good
Last TV seasons watched
Treme (S04): Good
The Legend of Korra (S03): Good
Currently reading
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
I saw Mark Kozelek last night, he was awesome.
Although I was a bit disappointed, he didn't play any Red House Painters' songs.
It was the first time I've seen him that he didn't play Michael. I wanted to hear that song so bad.
Oh well.
David Bazan (Pedro the Lion) opened, and he was awesome. It's so nice to hear religious themed lyrics without irony and without being overtly "Christian," or possessing all the negative qualities of "Christian" rock. I really admire this guy. I am looking forward to his new solo album.
There are like no good shows coming up in Sydney. Most promising thing is The Breeders... in August. Fucking hell.
NYC just looks brighter an option by the day.
The hardest concession I made when I decided to go to Bonnaroo was that I would have to cut back on shows in the near future. Luckily there are a lot of awesome free shows this summer.Quoting Boner M (view post)
You should totally move out here!Quoting Boner M (view post)
Srsly considering.Quoting iosos (view post)
If you do, I'll TOTALLY give you rape, er... rep.Quoting Boner M (view post)
Now I have even more to look forward to!Quoting iosos (view post)
Sonic Youth/The Feelies. July 4th. Free.Quoting Boner M (view post)
I'm going to Halifax in July... might make a stop over again.Quoting Acapelli (view post)
Oh, and, um... I'm TOTALLY going to Steely Dan in June!! Hooray!
So would Earth/Jesse Sykes & the Sweet Hereafter be worth breaking off my momentary ban on paying for shows?
might go to Fuck Buttons and Caribou next week, but I spent so damn much on Coachella tickets :frustrated:
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
What an odd pairing.Quoting Acapelli (view post)
I saw Pete Francis (Formerly of Dispatch) and The Greyboy All Stars last night. Pete was okay but not my cup of tea. But Greyboy was on fire, pure jazz and funk all night. Awesome.
I might go see The National down in Pontiac. Not sure. I'm actually not much of a fan of concerts anymore. I used to be, used to go to 10-15 a year for the better part of 10 years. Somewhere along the line I lost my love.
I saw them tonight along with Grizzly Bear. They put on a pretty good show, not great. I was really far from the stage though, so I may have missed out on some of the energy. Grizzly Bear was much more subdued. I felt like at a venue half as big they could have been great.Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
Wishful thinking, perhaps; but that is just another possible definition of the featherless biped.
When I saw the National, I also felt they put on a good/worthwhile show. Nothing mindblowing, but worth going to.
Last movies seen
Frank: Good
Mistaken for Strangers: Good
Guardians of the Galaxy: Good
Last TV seasons watched
Treme (S04): Good
The Legend of Korra (S03): Good
Currently reading
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Oh my. Boris and Wolves in the Throne Room will be touring together in July. Apparently, Torche will also be supporting, but I need to research them a lot more before determining their quality.
The Boat People - 9
The Power of the Dog - 7.5
The King of Pigs - 7
Won't be going to Of Montreal after all. I really don't care for the other bands that are performing, and they're the reason the tickets cost more than usually. It's also likely it'll be a short gig.
Instead I'll be seeing:
- Mount Eerie (supporting act: No Kids)
- Fleet Foxes + Beach House
Last movies seen
Frank: Good
Mistaken for Strangers: Good
Guardians of the Galaxy: Good
Last TV seasons watched
Treme (S04): Good
The Legend of Korra (S03): Good
Currently reading
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Final lineup for the Primavera Sound festival:
808 State Fanfarlo Pissed Jeans A Place To Bury Strangers Fasenuova Polvo Abrevadero The Felice Brothers Port O'Brien Alan Braxe Fuck Buttons Portishead Andy Votel Gentle Music Men Prinzhorn Dance School Animal Collective The Go! Team Public Enemy Apparat Band Grande-Marlaska The Radio Dept. April Fool's Day Guillamino The Right Ons Atlas Sound Health Robert Hood Autolux Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs Rufus Wainwright Awesome Color Holy Fuck The Rumble Strips Berlinbattery It's Not Not Russian Red Bèstia Ferida Kavinsky Scarlet's Well Bill Callahan Kelley Stoltz Scout Niblett Bishop Allen Kinski Sebadoh Bob Mould Band La Estrella De David Shellac Bon Iver La Orquesta Del Caballo Ganador Shipping News Boris Le Petit Ramon Silver Jews British Sea Power Le Pianc Simian Mobile Disco Buffalo Tom Les Aus Six Organs Of Admittance Caribou Les Savy Fav SJ Esau Cat Power Lightspeed Champion The Sonics The Clientele Madee Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks Clint Man Man Strange Death Of Liberal England Clipse Manos De Topo Subterranean Kids Supermayer Darren Hayman & Jack Hayter (performing Hefner songs) Mary Weiss (of The Shangri-Las) Surkin David Thomas Broughton The Marzipan Man The Swell Season (the Once guys) De La Soul Matt Elliott Tachenko Deerhunter Menomena Tarántula Devastations Messer Chups Thomas Brinkmann Devo MGMT Throbbing Gristle Digital Mystikz Mi and L'au Tiefschwarz Dinosaur Jr. Midnight Juggernauts Times New Viking Dirty Projectors The Missing Leech Tindersticks Dj Assault Mission Of Burma Torpedo Dj Funk Model 500 Träd, Gräs och Stenar DM Stith Moho Twin Kranes Dr. Octagon Morente and Lagartija Nick (performing Omega) Unchained Edan & MC Dagha Mount Eerie / The Microphones Vampire Weekend El Chico Con La Espina En El Costado MV & EE with The Golden Road Voice of the Seven Woods El Guincho My Brightest Diamond Vórtice El Hijo Nick Lowe Voxtrot Ellen Allien No Age The Wave Pictures Enon The Notwist White Williams Eric's Trip Okkervil River Why? Explosions In The Sky Om Young Marble Giants Extraperlo Para One
Fuck yea.
Man... very tempted to travel for that lineup.