Going to see Suspekt on the 1 of March.ritch:
Going to see Suspekt on the 1 of March.ritch:
"Listen man, it might be hard to understand, but
Don't mourn the dead,
Celebrate the life they gave"
- Kashmir "Seraphina"
The Los Angeles Guitar Quartet (LAGQ) had a concert here a few days ago... damn, those two hours flew by. These guys are really pushing the limits of pure acoustic guitar.
Dude, I am SO jealous. Those guys are crazy good.Quoting [ETM] (view post)
Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)
Speaking of crazy good, I just got back from what must be the best live act I've seen in ten years or more: Pink Martini.
Has anybody heard of these guys? Take some big band jazz, sprinkle on a generous portion of latin rhumba, cha-cha, cumbia, bassanova, tango, season with a touch of flamenco, and you're getting there. Top with a bit of kitcsh while you're at it too.
Boy, these guys can play the shit out of their instruments. And that goes for the singer too. She has the pipes and she sure knows how to use them. Oh, and over the course of the evening, she sung in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Arabic, French, Japanese, and a few other languages I've surely forgotten.
Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)
So I decided to go to the Boredoms tonight on a whim. Gonna get really stoned beforehand too. And a friend says she can get me a ticket to a Health/Dan Deacon show on Tuesday and Then maybe Crystal Castles again with the Cool Kids on Thursday.
This is why I love being in college.
Wow. Talk about a DJ-aficionado's wet dream.Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)
How was the Agalloch concert?
The Boat People - 9
The Power of the Dog - 7.5
The King of Pigs - 7
Bought my ticket to Coachella today. I've always wanted to go, but never got to so I'm pretty excited.
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
Bought tickets to Feist, Bang Camaro, and Ween today. Wahoo.
I got tickets for Dirty Projects and Sunset Rubdown.
Has anyone here seen Mt. Eerie and/or Of Montreal perform?
There's a possibility I'll go see them as well.
Last movies seen
Frank: Good
Mistaken for Strangers: Good
Guardians of the Galaxy: Good
Last TV seasons watched
Treme (S04): Good
The Legend of Korra (S03): Good
Currently reading
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
I've seen Of Montreal and it is a must-see show, even if you don't like the music. Kevin Barnes has a Bowie-like persona thing, and they have props-a-plenty.Quoting EvilShoe (view post)
Quoting iosos (view post)
Have you seen Ween before?
One of the best live acts I've ever seen.
Mind blowing.
Never. I wouldn't've got the tickets if it wasn't for Thirdmango, who lives in Boston, who is coming down. He's a total Weenhead. I like them, but not $45/ticket like. However, your rave is encouraging and I'm very excited.Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
I've seen em 5 times, and 4 of those times they were awesome.Quoting iosos (view post)
One time they played for over 3 hours - it was incredible.
Dean and Gene are awesome musicians and performers.
What happened that one time?Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
They sucked!Quoting iosos (view post)
Bad sound and a bad set.
Bought my ticket to The Roots the other day, cannot wait, if it is even a fraction as great as the last time I saw them, I will be happy.
yeah, good call...I saw Of Montreal about a year ago and he came out wearing a wedding dress and proposed to the audience. It was quite ridiculous...and of course there is the infamous nude performance.Quoting DSNT (view post)
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
Ha, Of Montreal sounds entertaining.
The reason I'm hesitant is because I'm not sure how long their set is. They're part of a group that is performing that night.
I don't care much about those either: I'm From Barcelona & Two Gallants.
But I'll keep it in mind. Depends on how much money I have left in may.
Last movies seen
Frank: Good
Mistaken for Strangers: Good
Guardians of the Galaxy: Good
Last TV seasons watched
Treme (S04): Good
The Legend of Korra (S03): Good
Currently reading
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Usually the structure is 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour + encore for that type of show, depending on the venue and ticket prices you could get more or less for your money.Quoting EvilShoe (view post)
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
Yeah, I've been to a similar gig in this venue.Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
It's just that I don't know if Of Montreal is the headliner or not. I suspect it's I'm From Barcelona, as they're bigger here.
I've tried e-mailing the place, but they had no idea either.
Last movies seen
Frank: Good
Mistaken for Strangers: Good
Guardians of the Galaxy: Good
Last TV seasons watched
Treme (S04): Good
The Legend of Korra (S03): Good
Currently reading
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Really? I can't imagine I'm From Barcelona headlining over Of Montreal? Where are you from?Quoting EvilShoe (view post)
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
From Belgium.Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
We're From Barcelona was a huge hit over here, while Of Montreal still goes by unnoticed.
Last movies seen
Frank: Good
Mistaken for Strangers: Good
Guardians of the Galaxy: Good
Last TV seasons watched
Treme (S04): Good
The Legend of Korra (S03): Good
Currently reading
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald