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Thread: The Netflix Thread

  1. #26
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    I have 500 things I want to watch in my instant view queue, but I never get to them because I usually end up watching something I see whilst browsing on the Roku. Even with the limited selection, with my viewing habits I don't think I could ever watch everything I wanted to.

  2. #27
    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    I have 500 things I want to watch in my instant view queue, but I never get to them because I usually end up watching something I see whilst browsing on the Roku. Even with the limited selection, with my viewing habits I don't think I could ever watch everything I wanted to.
    I'm a lazy streamer as well. They should think about the lazy streamers.

    Yes, I have no savvy with "stream to your TV" business, too. But I suspect that will become mainstream and readily accessible/easy at some point.
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  3. #28
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    They do need to come up with better ways to organize/browse your IV queue, though.

  4. #29
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    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    They do need to come up with better ways to organize/browse your IV queue, though.
    The best site I've come across for this is

    It doesn't do much to manage your queue (outside of adding movies), but the at-a-glance listing of new/popular and expiring movies is invaluable, and much easier to use than Netflix's own site.

  5. #30
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Since I only have the one out at a time, plus instant viewing plan, I won't be changing anything anytime soon. I really like Netflix, so playing a few more dollars a month for a resource that has enabled me to drop my local video stores like a bad habbit isn't a problem for me.

    They do need to come up with better ways to organize/browse your IV queue, though.
    Absolutely. I would love to be able to seperate my TV shows from the movies I have on the Instant queue. Would make things less messy.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
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  6. #31
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Irish (view post)
    The best site I've come across for this is

    It doesn't do much to manage your queue (outside of adding movies), but the at-a-glance listing of new/popular and expiring movies is invaluable, and much easier to use than Netflix's own site.
    This site is fantastic. Thanks for pointing it out.

  7. #32
    A couple questions for those of you who prefer Instant Watch to receiving DVD's in the mail:

    1. Do you watch movies on your computer or do you use devices such as Roku to watch them on your TV?

    This is the main obstacle that prevent me from using Instant Watch more often. I can watch movies on my computer screen and find it acceptable, but I still prefer DVD's at the moment. I just haven't invested in the Roku yet. It looks like the price has gone way down since it was first introduced, so that's good.

    2. Does Roku allow you to watch movies that you downloaded from the internet also (in addition to movies from Netflix)?

  8. #33
    U ZU MA KI Spun Lepton's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Isaac (view post)
    A couple questions for those of you who prefer Instant Watch to receiving DVD's in the mail:

    1. Do you watch movies on your computer or do you use devices such as Roku to watch them on your TV?

    This is the main obstacle that prevent me from using Instant Watch more often. I can watch movies on my computer screen and find it acceptable, but I still prefer DVD's at the moment. I just haven't invested in the Roku yet. It looks like the price has gone way down since it was first introduced, so that's good.

    2. Does Roku allow you to watch movies that you downloaded from the internet also (in addition to movies from Netflix)?
    I watch Instant on my PS3.
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  9. #34
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    You can buy a Blu-Ray player for about $150 that has Netflix streaming. I'd do that before Roku.

  10. #35
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Isaac (view post)
    A couple questions for those of you who prefer Instant Watch to receiving DVD's in the mail:

    1. Do you watch movies on your computer or do you use devices such as Roku to watch them on your TV?

    This is the main obstacle that prevent me from using Instant Watch more often. I can watch movies on my computer screen and find it acceptable, but I still prefer DVD's at the moment. I just haven't invested in the Roku yet. It looks like the price has gone way down since it was first introduced, so that's good.

    2. Does Roku allow you to watch movies that you downloaded from the internet also (in addition to movies from Netflix)?
    1. I have four streaming devices. Roku, My Samsung TV with built in apps, PS3 and 360. But I ALSO stream on my PC when I'm lazy... keeping in mind my PC monitor is 37 inches.

    2. There is supposedly a firmware update in the future that will support this. But not yet.
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    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  11. #36
    Montage, s'il vous plait? Raiders's Avatar
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    I thought for the Roku box with the USB port that if you put your downloaded movie files on a flash drive you could plug it into the Roku and play them through that. Perhaps I am wrong as I don't own one, but I have been considering it and that was one of the features I swore was described to me.
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  12. #37
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    I thought for the Roku box with the USB port that if you put your downloaded movie files on a flash drive you could plug it into the Roku and play them through that. Perhaps I am wrong as I don't own one, but I have been considering it and that was one of the features I swore was described to me.
    No that's correct. It does support that. But I thought he was referring to streaming over wifi.

    edit: The most expensive model supports this.
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    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  13. #38
    I'm in the milk... Mara's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
    You can buy a Blu-Ray player for about $150 that has Netflix streaming. I'd do that before Roku.
    ...that's not bad. I'm avoided Blu-Ray because I've never mustered the energy to care THAT MUCH about picture quality. But that's cheaper than I expected.

    If one buys this magical machine, does it need to be hooked up to a computer, or can it pick up the Netflix streaming from one's wifi?
    ...and the milk's in me.

  14. #39
    A Long Way to Tipperary MacGuffin's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Mara (view post)
    If one buys this magical machine, does it need to be hooked up to a computer, or can it pick up the Netflix streaming from one's wifi?
    If the machine in question has built-in wifi, then you won't need to worry about connecting to a computer. Most of them do.

  15. #40
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Don't buy into Blu-Ray. Tell these companies you're sick of double and triple dipping every ten-or-so years just because they release a new format - by not playing their games. Until we stop buying shit, the industry will just keep on insisting that we re-buy stuff over and over again like the consumer whores they think we are. In a sane world they would offer an upgrade to the license fees we've already purchased, like software does. Bought the VHS? Get the DVD for $5. Bought the DVD? Get the Blue-Ray for $5. But having to re-purchase the license agreement again and again, just because it's on a new medium, is totally ridiculous.

    Death to physical media!


  16. #41
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    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    But having to re-purchase the license agreement again and again, just because it's on a new medium, is totally ridiculous.
    It is, and the media companies are attached to this model for obvious reasons.

    Subscriptions and streaming have their downsides, like companies jacking prices up on a yearly basis or requiring you to "upgrade" your license for a fee.

  17. #42
    Quote Quoting Spun Lepton (view post)
    I watch Instant on my PS3.
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    It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.

  18. #43
    Montage, s'il vous plait? Raiders's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Don't buy into Blu-Ray. Tell these companies you're sick of double and triple dipping every ten-or-so years just because they release a new format - by not playing their games. Until we stop buying shit, the industry will just keep on insisting that we re-buy stuff over and over again like the consumer whores they think we are. In a sane world they would offer an upgrade to the license fees we've already purchased, like software does. Bought the VHS? Get the DVD for $5. Bought the DVD? Get the Blue-Ray for $5. But having to re-purchase the license agreement again and again, just because it's on a new medium, is totally ridiculous.

    Death to physical media!

    While certainly re-issuing popular films on Blu-ray and new "editions" and so forth is a vast marketing strategy, and you are also right that I would not be sad if physical media went the way of the dodo, you are also missing that a software upgrade is cheaper because it is just that, an add-on to an already existing program or application. A Blu-ray is not simply the old DVD painted with blue 1080p magic dust, it is a whole new technology and an entirely new disc. I'm not sure if the technology justifies it costing more than a DVD, but to assume you should be able to buy a new Blu-ray for very cheap because you own the DVD is kinda silly.
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  19. #44
    Moderator Dead & Messed Up's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Isaac (view post)
    A couple questions for those of you who prefer Instant Watch to receiving DVD's in the mail:

    1. Do you watch movies on your computer or do you use devices such as Roku to watch them on your TV?

    This is the main obstacle that prevent me from using Instant Watch more often. I can watch movies on my computer screen and find it acceptable, but I still prefer DVD's at the moment. I just haven't invested in the Roku yet. It looks like the price has gone way down since it was first introduced, so that's good.

    2. Does Roku allow you to watch movies that you downloaded from the internet also (in addition to movies from Netflix)?
    I have a good-sized computer monitor, so I don't have too much trouble, but I prefer watching through my Nintendo Wii. It doesn't have the HD capacity you'll find with higher-end players and game systems, but it's still great picture quality.

  20. #45
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    While certainly re-issuing popular films on Blu-ray and new "editions" and so forth is a vast marketing strategy, and you are also right that I would not be sad if physical media went the way of the dodo, you are also missing that a software upgrade is cheaper because it is just that, an add-on to an already existing program or application. A Blu-ray is not simply the old DVD painted with blue 1080p magic dust, it is a whole new technology and an entirely new disc. I'm not sure if the technology justifies it costing more than a DVD, but to assume you should be able to buy a new Blu-ray for very cheap because you own the DVD is kinda silly.
    In addition to that, Studio's keep digging up more content to fill the new media, which makes the new purchase perfectly acceptable. Look at the new Back to the Future release. It has scenes from the original casted Marty, Eric Stoltz.
    Twitch / Youtube / Film Diary

    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  21. #46
    Oh, physical media will die. It is inevitable just like applications like MS Office and Quickbooks installed locally will die. Which would you rather do? Buy MS Office and then have to download and install updates and bug fixes and pay for new versions or pay a monthly fee to always know that a URL takes you to the latest MS Office? Keep paying for newer and better DVDs, BRs, and beyond or pay for a service that always delivers to you the latest and greatest version of that title?
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    It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.

  22. #47
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting balmakboor (view post)
    Oh, physical media will die. It is inevitable just like applications like MS Office and Quickbooks installed locally will die. Which would you rather do? Buy MS Office and then have to download and install updates and bug fixes and pay for new versions or pay a monthly fee to always know that a URL takes you to the latest MS Office? Keep paying for newer and better DVDs, BRs, and beyond or pay for a service that always delivers to you the latest and greatest version of that title?
    I'd rather use Open Office, for free.

  23. #48
    Replacing Luck Since 1984 Dukefrukem's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting balmakboor (view post)
    Oh, physical media will die. It is inevitable just like applications like MS Office and Quickbooks installed locally will die. Which would you rather do? Buy MS Office and then have to download and install updates and bug fixes and pay for new versions or pay a monthly fee to always know that a URL takes you to the latest MS Office? Keep paying for newer and better DVDs, BRs, and beyond or pay for a service that always delivers to you the latest and greatest version of that title?
    Well of course physical media will die.. but not for a long time. Not until the average US broadband connection far exceeds 100-150MB down .
    Twitch / Youtube / Film Diary

    Quote Quoting D_Davis (view post)
    Uwe Boll movies > all Marvel U movies
    Quote Quoting TGM (view post)
    I work in grocery. I have not gotten sick. My fellow employees have not gotten sick. If the virus were even remotely as contagious as its being presented as, why haven’t entire store staffs who come into contact with hundreds of people per day, thousands per week, all falling ill in mass nationwide?

  24. #49
    Piss off, ghost! number8's Avatar
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    That's one reason why I prefer having a PS3 to a Bluray player, actually. The fact that it's also a great digital media player.
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  25. #50
    I got a Roku for Christmas and I'm already starting to wonder how I ever lived without it. The idea of digging through my VHS collection sounds arduous compared to finding the movie on the Roku.

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