I got bored last week and created a Twitter account over a lunch hour. And it has been interesting. I post my reviews to blogcritics and there is a retweet link at the top of each one (a retweet for blogcritics that is). I usually get about two retweets. I tweeted a link to my Alice in Wonderland review and it already has 32 retweets. (Maybe it's just because the movie is uber-popular right now.) Plus I used bit.ly to create a short URL and got the added bonus of all kinds of neat stats on who has been clicking the link. It's been clicked 39 times including by somebody in Barbados.

Anyway, err, why did I create this thread? Oh yeah. Please post a link to your Twitter page if you have one. I want to make sure I'm following everyone around here. (I know I'm following a few already.)