Quote Quoting Ezee E (view post)
How is it doing more damage? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, because I find it pretty hard to believe.

Not only in the cases listed, but as an aide in emergency, the cellphone is great. Not only in the "emergency" cases of being lost, others being lsot, or a quicker reach for kids, but also in the instance of yourself being hurt. Many phones have ICE Support so that ER Docs can easily notify someone.
Your example makes up less then 1% of all cell phone calls though. It's making people into neurotic robots who have to be constantly checking their phone when they should be focused on other things (walking or driving for example so they don't run others over). I drive a truck around downtown Phoenix for the majority of my work day and I'm constantly having to watch out for people on their cellphones walking in front of my truck when their not paying attention and the same with drivers pulling in front of me and almost colliding with me and never even noticing because they're to involved in their phone conversation.

I imagine far more lives are lost due to cell phones then are saved by them.