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Thread: Bugs? Suggestions? Issues?

  1. #26
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting iosos (view post)
    So how does one look at one's rep messages?
    It shows up on the main page of User CP.

  2. #27
    Crying Enthusiast Sven's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
    It shows up on the main page of User CP.
    Zigga. It's on.

  3. #28
    Montage, s'il vous plait? Raiders's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting iosos (view post)
    2) Is there any other way to more easily have the forums we've read marked as such? Or do we have to double-click on the bulletin icon on the left side every time? The stars on the last page were a super-convenience for me.
    I'm not sure I understand. What are you asking for?
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  4. #29
    The Pan Spinal's Avatar
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    After having some time to adjust, I quite like the new site.

  5. #30
    Crying Enthusiast Sven's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    I'm not sure I understand. What are you asking for?
    There's that bulletin on the left side of the main page that is orange-ish with two pieces of paper tacked to it that indicates new posts within that specific forum. If I go into that forum, read the new posts in the individual threads, then click on the banner to send me back to the main page, it doesn't mark that specific forum as read. I have to re-enter the forum, then click on the banner from the forum page to mark it as read.

    In other words, you can't click on the banner from a thread page to go back to the main page and still have it marked as read.

    It's not a huge problem. Just something that may take getting used to. Change frightens me.

  6. #31
    Rep points will be the downfall of this forum.

  7. #32
    The Pan Spinal's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting DavidSeven (view post)
    Rep points will be the downfall of this forum.
    Either that or melodrama.

  8. #33
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting DavidSeven (view post)
    Rep points will be the downfall of this forum.
    When did we become the Roman Empire?

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  9. #34
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting DavidSeven (view post)
    Rep points will be the downfall of this forum.
    Negative repped.

  10. #35
    nightmare investigator monolith94's Avatar
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    rep isn't as important to me as being called an "errand boy". personalized titles are the way.
    "Modern weapons can defend freedom, civilization, and life only by annihilating them. Security in military language means the ability to do away with the Earth."
    -Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society

  11. #36
    Brody Double rocus's Avatar
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    Would it be possible to start everyone's rep power at 1 instead of zero? Otherwise we will spend a lot of time giving out rep that doesn't count, except for the couple of people who have power.

  12. #37
    Montage, s'il vous plait? Raiders's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting monolith94 (view post)
    rep isn't as important to me as being called an "errand boy". personalized titles are the way.
    I chose them and I like them. Suck it!


    OK. I'll fix it. I liked my titles though. Just wait until 50 posts, you become a Body double. Then at 250, you become a Best Boy, and so on...
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  13. #38
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    I chose them and I like them. Suck it!


    OK. I'll fix it. I liked my titles though. Just wait until 50 posts, you become a Body double. Then at 250, you become a Best Boy, and so on...
    What the hell is a Best Boy anyways? And yes I'm too lazy to look it up

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  14. #39
    Montage, s'il vous plait? Raiders's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting rocus (view post)
    Would it be possible to start everyone's rep power at 1 instead of zero? Otherwise we will spend a lot of time giving out rep that doesn't count, except for the couple of people who have power.
    It only takes 50 posts to get to a '1'. I'll reduce it to 25. It is just a buffer against weirdos showing up and fucking with people's rep.
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  15. #40
    Brody Double rocus's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    It only takes 50 posts to get to a '1'. I'll reduce it to 25. It is just a buffer against weirdos showing up and fucking with people's rep.
    Ok, I forgot that it was tied to post count. 50 is fine if you want to leave it there. For some reason I was thinking that it was based on how much rep you get.

    I hope you are prepared to answer the 50 thousand rep questions that will be coming your way.

  16. #41
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Spinal (view post)
    Either that or melodrama.

    Shut up you damn bastard. You make me sick enough to die.

  17. #42
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    I chose them and I like them. Suck it!


    OK. I'll fix it. I liked my titles though. Just wait until 50 posts, you become a Body double. Then at 250, you become a Best Boy, and so on...
    How many posts do we need to become the set whore?

  18. #43
    The Pan Spinal's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
    Negative repped.
    Hey, don't do that! Negative rep for you.

    Dear God, the prophecy has come true ...

  19. #44
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Spinal (view post)
    Hey, don't do that! Negative rep for you.

    Dear God, the prophecy has come true ...
    "OHHHH, look at me! I'm Spinal, I'm so great!"

    BARF. OMG!! This place makes me GAG.

  20. #45
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    I say that people should settle their differences in the Thunderdome. Two people enter, one person leaves

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  21. #46
    Brody Double rocus's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
    How many posts do we need to become the set whore?
    Don't worry, DD, you've been that for a long time now.

  22. #47
    Montage, s'il vous plait? Raiders's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting iosos (view post)
    There's that bulletin on the left side of the main page that is orange-ish with two pieces of paper tacked to it that indicates new posts within that specific forum. If I go into that forum, read the new posts in the individual threads, then click on the banner to send me back to the main page, it doesn't mark that specific forum as read. I have to re-enter the forum, then click on the banner from the forum page to mark it as read.

    In other words, you can't click on the banner from a thread page to go back to the main page and still have it marked as read.

    It's not a huge problem. Just something that may take getting used to. Change frightens me.
    I believe I have fixed this issue. Please let me know.
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  23. #48
    Kept out of sunlight Gizmo's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    I believe I have fixed this issue. Please let me know.
    yes, it seems fixed... not that I had a problem.
    *coming soon*

    Top 100

  24. #49
    It seems fixed. Thanks, Raiders. That was really bothering me; I was just seething quietly.

  25. #50
    I'll probably get used to it and it may only be me, but is there any chance we can drop the hot thread designation? I can tell well enough what threads have posts in them. And that orange color is distracting.

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