Any other RPGers/Board Gamers/Card Gamers here?

There's got to be a few, right?

If not, well, I'll let this thread die with dignity....

Recently posted in the book forum:

Some of the art in the new 4ed D&D books is fantastic. I love reading the manuals almost as much as I like playing the game. Although I feel self conscious reading them in public. That's actually pretty stupid, considering all of the incredibly smart, talented, and mature people I've met who play RPGs. That stigma and taint of juvenile attitudes is still there.

I wonder why that is?

Sure, it's nerdy as hell, but nerdy shit is cool now. I mean, Star Trek is now hip, RPGs are huge and uber-popular as video games, and the LotRs films were popular with all kinds of different people. So are super heroes. Shoot, geek culture is now the most hip of all sub-cultures. People love geeky stuff.

And yet old school paper RPGs are still kind of a social no-no, when the exact opposite should be true: they are truly social activities, far more so than many other hobbies. You have to have friends and be socially active to even play the games!

Anyhow, looking forward to starting our 4ed campaign this weekend.