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Thread: 28 Film Discussion Threads Later

  1. #71951
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Hmm see I slightly prefer A Matter of Life and Death over Colonel Blimp, but I own and love both. See I love Portrait but it wouldn't make my list either. I think my local library has Come and See so I don't have any excuse unless their copy is all beat up. Thanks for the response.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  2. #71952
    Quote Quoting baby doll (view post)
    I've seen all of the films on both lists with the sole exception of Come and See
    Whoa, really?

  3. #71953
    Quote Quoting StuSmallz (view post)
    Whoa, really?
    Nobody can see everything.
    Just because...
    The Fabelmans (Steven Spielberg, 2022) mild
    Petite maman (CĂ©line Sciamma, 2021) mild
    The Banshees of Inisherin (Martin McDonagh, 2022) mild

    The last book I read was...
    The Complete Short Stories by Mark Twain

    The (New) World

  4. #71954

  5. #71955
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Come and See isn't even on a streaming service right now and local libraries vary in what they have on site. I mean I haven't seen it either lol.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  6. #71956
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    I have seen 48/100 from the current list btw.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  7. #71957

    Chinatown (1974)

    Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown...


    Final Score: 10

    Last edited by StuSmallz; 12-29-2022 at 07:20 AM.

  8. #71958
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Love Chinatown, it's one of those movies that I always watch when it's on TCM.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  9. #71959
    Heh, I didn't even know if it played regularly on TCM these days; I thought it might be too recent for them, or something.

  10. #71960
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    It's a 1970s movie so no, it's not too recent.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  11. #71961
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    My goal for next year is to watch more movies from POC and women directors, since my top 10 of all time was mostly just old white guys. I started with Desperately Seeking Susan, which I enjoyed a lot even though the story and plot are really basic and not terribly important. What matters is the movie's characters, who I liked a lot, and it was fun to see cameos from actors who became established later on. It seems to me that 1980s NYC is either portrayed as a violent nightmare or a wonderful melting pot, not much in-between, ha ha. Seen thanks to Tubi.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  12. #71962
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
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    My goal is to watch more movies. 2022 may have been my lowest count since I was a teenager.

  13. #71963
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Heh 2022 was the most I've ever seen in a year. 278 first time watches, probably at least 40 rewatches.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  14. #71964
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
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    Six months living with the retired in-laws was a big part of it.

  15. #71965
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    I should honestly touch grass more often.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  16. #71966
    Touch grass? Like in a Terrence Malick movie?

  17. #71967
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Mysterious Dude (view post)
    Touch grass? Like in a Terrence Malick movie?
    Well that would be touching wheat fields, actually..

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  18. #71968
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Back on the old account cause I tried using the new one, it just keeps refusing to load the site lol. Oh well. Anyways I finally saw Quick Change, can't recall who was a huge fan of that movie here but someone was. I loved it, what a wonderfully funny and entertaining movie. There is a bus scene that is oddly more suspenseful and anxiety inducing than a lot of thrillers I've seen over the past couple of years. The cast is great too, with of course Bill Murray front and center.

    A lot of the movie works as both a love letter to NYC and as a satire of it's more outrageous qualities. Viewed thanks to Tubi, which rocks.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  19. #71969

    The Crying Game (Jordan, '92)

    Play at your own risk.


    Final Score: 8.75

  20. #71970
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
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    I appreciated Jordan's direction (as I usually do), but the reveal was wild to me. Not in the reveal of the you know what, but in Rea's character reaction to it. I thought that was more crazy. But maybe its an "of that era" situation. I was late to this movie.

  21. #71971
    Quote Quoting Skitch (view post)
    I appreciated Jordan's direction (as I usually do), but the reveal was wild to me. Not in the reveal of the you know what, but in Rea's character reaction to it. I thought that was more crazy. But maybe its an "of that era" situation. I was late to this movie.
    Well, [

  22. #71972
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting StuSmallz (view post)
    Well, [
    I don't disagree. It was just odd coming to the film late as I did.

  23. #71973
    Just wrote a review of Pan's Labyrinth, ya'll:

  24. #71974
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Huh, I absolutely loved The Crying Game. I mean everyone on the Internet gave away the twist ages ago. I haven't seen it in years so I wouldn't be able to properly review that one unless I fully refreshed my memory. Rea was great in that flick.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  25. #71975
    Quote Quoting MadMan (view post)
    Huh, I absolutely loved The Crying Game. I mean everyone on the Internet gave away the twist ages ago.
    Not just on the Net, heh: []

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