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Thread: 28 Film Discussion Threads Later

  1. #71601

  2. #71602
    Last Seen:
    Sophie's Choice (A. Pakula, 1982) ☆
    Oddity (D. Mc Carthy, 2024) ☆
    Eraserhead (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    Lost Highway (D. Lynch, 1997) ☆
    The Last Call (F. Franco, 2013) ☆
    Flow (G. Zilbalodis, 2024) ☆
    Arcadian (B. Brewer, 2024) ☆
    Hit Man (R. Linklater, 2023) ☆
    The English (H. Blick, 2022) ☆
    Notorious (A. Hitchcock, 1946) ☆

    First time ☆

  3. #71603

  4. #71604

  5. #71605
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Hey all, A Bittersweet Life is on Kanopy. Highly recommend.

  6. #71606
    Evil mind, evil sword. Ivan Drago's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Last Five Films I've Seen (Out of 5)

    The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Mackesy, 2022) 4.5
    Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Crawford, 2022) 4
    Confess, Fletch (Mottola, 2022) 3.5
    M3GAN (Johnstone, 2023) 3.5
    Turning Red (Shi, 2022) 4.5
    Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953) 5

    615 Film

  7. #71607
    Quote Quoting Ivan Drago (view post)
    Can't wait for others to see this.

  8. #71608

  9. #71609
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    None of your business
    Look I love Fury Road, but no. Not even close.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  10. #71610
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    I love Fury Road, but....the "best action movie" (whatever that means) would have to be Asian, right?

  11. #71611
    Quote Quoting DFA1979 (view post)
    Look I love Fury Road, but no. Not even close.
    What's your favorite, then?
    Quote Quoting Skitch (view post)
    I love Fury Road, but....the "best action movie" (whatever that means) would have to be Asian, right?
    Not for me, because if I had to choose a #1 Action movie, it would be Raiders Of The Lost Ark (sorry, baby doll!), but Fury Road isn't far off from it, if I'm being honest.

  12. #71612
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    None of your business
    Terminator 2, Die Hard, The Killer and Hard Boiled are all better than Fury Road. As is John Wick Chapter 2 and Enter The Dragon. I still think the first Mad Max is the best in the series.
    Last edited by DFA1979; 01-03-2022 at 06:56 AM.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  13. #71613
    Quote Quoting DFA1979 (view post)
    Terminator 2, Die Hard, The Killer and Hard Boiled are all better than Fury Road. As is John Wick Chapter 2 and Enter The Dragon. I still think the first Mad Max is the best in the series.
    I like all of those movies as well, to one degree or another (especially T2), but I still think Fury Road has at least a slightly greater combination of style, substance, and great action than all of them, so I still have to go with it. Anyway, as for the Mad Max series specifically, the original is a pretty solid foundation for the franchise, but still suffers somewhat from a lack of action due to the lack of budget, while The Road Warrior was the first truly great entry, and Beyond Thunderdome concluded the trilogy on a softer, more disappointing note (which Fury Road fortunately rectified with something of a series "mulligan", if you will).
    Last edited by StuSmallz; 01-04-2022 at 07:00 AM.

  14. #71614
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    Spectre is a 60s Bond film through and through. Knowingly silly when it wants to be, while continuing the serialization that has made Craig's films unique.

    That first Spectre meeting is a standout scene. Recreating the beats of the old school Blofeld scenes while channeling...Eyes Wide Shut? Maybe Kubrick's swan song is still lingering in my mind having rewatched it recently, but I got some strong vibes in this scene.

    Some disturbingly bad CGI aside, I really liked this one.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  15. #71615
    Producer Yxklyx's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    What do people here think of Imamura? I didn't realize he made so many films and Criterion has many of them for streaming. Pigs and Battleships was great!

    #1 : Fury Road
    #2 : Raiders of the Lost Ark
    #3 : Hard Boiled

  16. #71616
    Quote Quoting Yxklyx (view post)
    What do people here think of Imamura? I didn't realize he made so many films and Criterion has many of them for streaming. Pigs and Battleships was great!
    Pigs and Battleships and The Insect Woman are both great. A Man Vanishes has some interesting things in it but it struck me as a bit long and drawn out the one time I saw it. Profound Desire of the Gods is worth checking out. I saw his version of The Ballad of Narayama before Kinoshita's and liked it a lot. I saw Black Rain on 35mm nearly twenty years ago and remember liking it at the time. I was bored by both Warm Water Under a Red Bridge and his segment from September 11 (though again I haven't seen the latter in almost twenty years and might be more sympathetic to it today). I still haven't seen Intentions of Murder, The Pornographers: Introduction to Anthropology, The History of Postwar Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess, Vengeance Is Mine, The Eel, or Dr. Akagi, which are all widely considered major works.
    Just because...
    The Fabelmans (Steven Spielberg, 2022) mild
    Petite maman (Céline Sciamma, 2021) mild
    The Banshees of Inisherin (Martin McDonagh, 2022) mild

    The last book I read was...
    The Complete Short Stories by Mark Twain

    The (New) World

  17. #71617
    Producer Yxklyx's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    The Insect Woman was indeed really good. Hah, so I finally got through a Rivette film - known for making very very long ones, he actually made a short in '56 called Le Coup du berger (Checkmate on letterboxd) and per one of the commenters: "The climax occurs at a party where the guests include Claude Chabrol, Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut..."

  18. #71618
    So, director Michael Sarnoski makes a splash with Pig, his intriguing, thoughtful debut (apparently; I haven't seen it). What is he going to follow it up with? A Quiet Place 3.

    And many posters at reddit are really happy with that. Mainstream cinema is fucked, really. Basically, directors have one shot to make a splash, and then they are funnelled into IP franchises as quickly as possible. And that is all the typical audience wants - interesting voices all singing the same tune.
    Last 10 Movies Seen
    (90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)

    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

    Stuff at Letterboxd
    Listening Habits at LastFM

  19. #71619
    I'm the problem it's me DFA1979's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    None of your business
    It doesn't help that all most theaters get is franchise blockbusters. The pandemic probably killed off a lot of theaters.

    And it's happened once again
    I'll turn to a friend
    Someone that understands
    And sees through the master plan
    But everybody's gone
    And I've been here for too long
    To face this on my own
    Well, I guess this is growing up

  20. #71620
    Producer Yxklyx's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Quoting transmogrifier (view post)
    So, director Michael Sarnoski makes a splash with Pig, his intriguing, thoughtful debut (apparently; I haven't seen it). What is he going to follow it up with? A Quiet Place 3.

    And many posters at reddit are really happy with that. Mainstream cinema is fucked, really. Basically, directors have one shot to make a splash, and then they are funnelled into IP franchises as quickly as possible. And that is all the typical audience wants - interesting voices all singing the same tune.
    Yea, and David Robert Mitchell is working on a superhero movie...

  21. #71621
    At the risk of being that guy on the internet who goes on longwinded rants about how postmodernism is the devil, I think the idea, which I agree with in principle, that high art isn't necessarily better than low art--and therefore, super-hero movies, comic books, and video games are just as much works of art as the films of Antonioni, Ozu, and Sembène--is often used as an excuse by incurious moviegoers for never watching anything even remotely challenging. It's not the case, as some op-ed writers would have us believe, that there aren't any guilty pleasures anymore, but rather what qualifies as a guilty pleasure has flip-flopped: if you like trashy reality shows, you're a good person, especially if you can make the case--which is very easy to do--that said show advances some cherished progressive cause (e.g., queer representation), but if you like reading Joseph Conrad novels, you're a snob and a racist. Even having aesthetic standards is in itself seen as racist, sexist, classist, etc.; therefore, to claim that Wagner's operas are aesthetically richer than the collected works of Beyoncé marks one as a reactionary white supremacist. Back in the '50s and '60s, it was still possible to shame people into seeing auteur films by Bergman, Buñuel, and Satyajit Ray, because it was commonly thought that watching trashy exploitation movies wasn't a suitable pastime for educated adults, but now anything goes--except, that is, watching anything that's actually good or stating that L'Année dernière Ã* Marienbad, Persona, and Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie are just better than, aesthetically superior to, any Marvel movie.
    Last edited by baby doll; 01-12-2022 at 07:06 AM.
    Just because...
    The Fabelmans (Steven Spielberg, 2022) mild
    Petite maman (Céline Sciamma, 2021) mild
    The Banshees of Inisherin (Martin McDonagh, 2022) mild

    The last book I read was...
    The Complete Short Stories by Mark Twain

    The (New) World

  22. #71622
    Quote Quoting baby doll (view post)
    Except, that is, watching anything that's actually good or stating that L'Année dernière Ã* Marienbad, Persona, and Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie are just better than, aesthetically superior to, any Marvel movie.
    Disclaimer: I have ranted on this topic before, so please feel free to skip on to the next post

    This is the key to me. Marvel fans (for example, in general, on Reddit, not here... the usual disclaimers) absolutely bridle at anyone suggesting that the movies are deficient in certain ways or that raising a generation of 30 to 40 year olds who ONLY care about those movies or movies like them is not to the benefit of cinema in general, yet those same people are more than happy to shit on all manner of other films (e.g., DCU films, Spike Lee films, musicals etc) without ever seeing the hypocrisy. I actually don't care what other people choose to like - that is totally up to them, and while I bemoan trends such as the disappearance of mainstream adult comedies as a theater force, etc. you can't force people to watch them, so it is what it is. What I hate with film discussion is those who get ANGRY when anyone does not fall in line and praise whatever mainstream thing they like. Like, personal insults angry, while at the same time playing the victim and claiming that the critic is trying to "ruin fun" or whatever nonsense self-defense mechanism they have.

    Okay, that's it. I promise to drop this topic for at least the rest of the year
    Last edited by transmogrifier; 01-12-2022 at 08:42 AM.
    Last 10 Movies Seen
    (90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)

    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

    Stuff at Letterboxd
    Listening Habits at LastFM

  23. #71623
    collecting tapes Skitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Dude, the year just started

    While I dig all the comic book movies, I totally agree with you.

    I was the kid getting slapped around and called nerd for hiding comic books inside class books in school, so I'm living in heaven right now...but I'm also burdened with an internet critics eye, so I don't deny the flaws. I also know comic book stuff isn't everybody's bag, there's a rather heavy suspension of disbelief aspect that some of us are cool with, and others aren't (which is totally understandable).
    Last edited by Skitch; 01-12-2022 at 09:59 AM.

  24. #71624
    Quote Quoting Skitch (view post)
    I was the kid getting slapped around and called nerd for hiding comic books inside class books in school
    Which is much worse that anything that I have to complain about. The weight of history was on your side after all
    Last 10 Movies Seen
    (90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)

    (2020) 64
    The Whistlers
    ) 55
    Pawn (2020) 62
    Matilda (1996) 37
    The Town that Dreaded Sundown
    (1976) 61
    Moby Dick (2011) 50

    (2020) 64

    Heroic Duo
    (2003) 55
    A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
    As Tears Go By (1988) 65

    Stuff at Letterboxd
    Listening Habits at LastFM

  25. #71625
    Since 1929 Morris Schæffer's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Quoting transmogrifier (view post)
    Disclaimer: I have ranted on this topic before, so please feel free to skip on to the next post

    This is the key to me. Marvel fans (for example, in general, on Reddit, not here... the usual disclaimers) absolutely bridle at anyone suggesting that the movies are deficient in certain ways or that raising a generation of 30 to 40 year olds who ONLY care about those movies or movies like them is not to the benefit of cinema in general, yet those same people are more than happy to shit on all manner of other films (e.g., DCU films, Spike Lee films, musicals etc) without ever seeing the hypocrisy. I actually don't care what other people choose to like - that is totally up to them, and while I bemoan trends such as the disappearance of mainstream adult comedies as a theater force, etc. you can't force people to watch them, so it is what it is. What I hate with film discussion is those who get ANGRY when anyone does not fall in line and praise whatever mainstream thing they like. Like, personal insults angry, while at the same time playing the victim and claiming that the critic is trying to "ruin fun" or whatever nonsense self-defense mechanism they have.

    Okay, that's it. I promise to drop this topic for at least the rest of the year
    Reading this post, and having found the last 3-4 Marvel flicks pretty exhausting except Spiderman NWH, I will say that watching season 2 of the punisher right now feels like a massively powerful antidote.
    [+] closer to next rating / [-] closer to previous rating

    • Dark (S3) ✦✦✦½ [-]
    • Fall (Mann, 2022) ✦✦✦½ [-]
    • Ms. Marvel (S1) ✦½ [+]
    • Dark (S2) ✦✦✦✦
    • Moon Knight (S1) ✦✦½ [-]
    • Get Carter (Hodges, 1971) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • Prey (Trachtenberg, 2022) ✦✦✦ [-]
    • Black Bird (S1) ✦✦✦✦
    • Better Call Saul (S6) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • Halo (S1) ✦✦✦ [-]
    • Slow Horses (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • H4Z4RD (Govaerts, 2022/BE) ✦✦½ [-]
    • Gangs of London (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • We Own This City (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • Thor: Love and Thunder (Waititi, 2022) ✦✦ [+]

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