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Thread: 28 Film Discussion Threads Later

  1. #59401
    Crying Enthusiast Sven's Avatar
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    Seventh Victim is my favorite.

  2. #59402
    Producer Yxklyx's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Grouchy (view post)
    More Things That Happened - David Lynch - 76m

    This isn't much more than weird/creepy dialogues and improvised monologues. It held my interest for about the first 50 minutes but then Laura Dern goes into this improvised monologue with the silent listener from Inland Empire that goes on and on and on with nothing really interesting to say - followed by a very long scene of four lowly hookers doing nothing much on the street.

  3. #59403
    Guttenbergian Pop Trash's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Ivan Drago (view post)
    I'm really thinking about seeing this when it comes to my arthouse theater near me soon as a repertory film. However, I saw the trailer for it before Battle Royale, and my friends who saw it with me chuckled over how cheesy it looked. Is this not the case?
    Lots of people were laughing at my screening, but some of it may have been uncomfortable nervous laughter. There's a karate chopping metrosexual German guy in the movie who is hilarious though.
    Ratings on a 1-10 scale for your pleasure:

    Top Gun: Maverick - 8
    Top Gun - 7
    McCabe & Mrs. Miller - 8
    Crimes of the Future - 8
    Videodrome - 9
    Valley Girl - 8
    Summer of '42 - 7
    In the Line of Fire - 8
    Passenger 57 - 7
    Everything Everywhere All at Once - 6

  4. #59404
    Guttenbergian Pop Trash's Avatar
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    Also, you're clearly a fan of outre cult movies, so Possession would be right up your alley Ivan.
    Ratings on a 1-10 scale for your pleasure:

    Top Gun: Maverick - 8
    Top Gun - 7
    McCabe & Mrs. Miller - 8
    Crimes of the Future - 8
    Videodrome - 9
    Valley Girl - 8
    Summer of '42 - 7
    In the Line of Fire - 8
    Passenger 57 - 7
    Everything Everywhere All at Once - 6

  5. #59405
    По́мните Катю... Izzy Black's Avatar
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    I prefer Neil LaBute's version with Gwenyth Paltrow.

  6. #59406
    pushing too many pencils Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Yxklyx (view post)
    I much prefer the last three Val Lewton's over the earlier films.

    The Body Snatcher
    Isle of the Dead
    You know, while I still haven't seen the latter two, The Body Snatcher really surprised me given its subordinate reputation within the Lewton body of work. It definitely deserves more attention, ditto The Ghost Ship.
    Quote Quoting Dead & Messed Up (view post)
    I prefer the straightforward success of Cat People to Curse, although the latter is still excellent in my eyes.

    Honestly, I love The Leopard Man the most right now.
    Cat People was my first exposure to Lewton many years ago, been meaning to revisit it. While I recall liking it a great deal, it doesn't rank as a personal favorite. I probably prefer The Leopard Man over it as well, but that's one I believe is more likely to really resonate with passionate horror fans.
    Letterboxd rating scale:
    The Long Riders (Hill) ***
    Furious 7 (Wan) **½
    Hard Times (Hill) ****½
    Another 48 Hrs. (Hill) ***
    /48 Hrs./ (Hill) ***½
    The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (Besson) ***
    /Unknown/ (Collet-Serra) ***½
    Animal (Simmons) **

  7. #59407
    neurotic subjectivist B-side's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Mr. McGibblets (view post)
    The bad guys in the film are supposed to represent McCarthyism, not communism. The people in the film are afraid to stand up to them, as people in America were afraid to stand up against it. They're willing to leave the victims of McCarthy to deal with it by themselves.
    Hm. You may be onto something. Apparently Gary Cooper was an avowed anti-communist, so Zinnemann may have slipped this one past him.
    Last 5 Viewed
    Riddick (David Twohy | 2013 | USA/UK)
    Night Across the Street (Raoul Ruiz | 2012 | Chile/France)*
    Pain & Gain (Michael Bay | 2013 | USA)*
    You're Next (Adam Wingard | 2011 | USA)
    Little Odessa (James Gray | 1994 | USA)*

    *recommended *highly recommended

    “It isn't easy to accept that suffering can also be beautiful... it's difficult. It's something you can only understand if you dig deeply into yourself.” -- Rainer Werner Fassbinder

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  8. #59408
    U ZU MA KI Spun Lepton's Avatar
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    Watched The Muppets last weekend. I'm probably going to pick up the Blu-Ray. Best Muppets movie since the original. Loved it. 8/10

  9. #59409
    Since 1929 Morris Schæffer's Avatar
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    The Marine
    was a pretty bonkers action flick with an amusing villainous turn by Robert Patrick and some funny nods to T2 and Deliverance. The action direction was competent enough, but Cena, besides being literally indestructible, was dullllllllllllll. [•½]

    Eight Legged Freaks was allright. Kinda funny how, the bigger the spiders got, the less creepy this entire endeavor became. Sure, it's meant to be cheesy as well, but the balance was off. FX ranged from good to decent, some of the acting was pretty bad, which is I suppose the point, but overall a solid homage populated with characters I just couldn't bring myself to care about except for the mathematical certainty that Kari Wuhrer is hot! [•½]
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    • Moon Knight (S1) ✦✦½ [-]
    • Get Carter (Hodges, 1971) ✦✦✦½ [+]
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    • H4Z4RD (Govaerts, 2022/BE) ✦✦½ [-]
    • Gangs of London (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • We Own This City (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
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  10. #59410
    A Bonerfied Classic Derek's Avatar
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    I believe you're looking for the Masochism Thread, Morris.

  11. #59411
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Brightside (view post)
    Hm. You may be onto something. Apparently Gary Cooper was an avowed anti-communist, so Zinnemann may have slipped this one past him.
    Nah from my understanding Cooper did the movie even though he knew what the subject matter was really about. Which is cool of him. A halfway decent actor shouldn't let politics impact what roles they choose imo.

    The Body Snatcher is really good, and features an excellent Karloff performance. I liked Isle of the Dead, but I want to revisit that one along with The Seventh Victim (not really a fan) and The Leopard Man for the third time (just because its good, plus I now view it as possibly the earliest slasher film).

    Possession was a film I found both great and somewhat disturbing. Plus, it has Sam Neil so that's an added bonus.

    Oh and I really liked Eight Legged Freaks. Its a nice love letter to the old school 50s monster movies, and works best when viewed as such. The comedy may be a bit hit and miss, but the when the jokes landed I laughed quite a bit.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  12. #59412
    A friend alerted me to this IMDb user list. Well worth puzzling over.

  13. #59413
    neurotic subjectivist B-side's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Boner M (view post)
    A friend alerted me to this IMDb user list. Well worth puzzling over.
    Last 5 Viewed
    Riddick (David Twohy | 2013 | USA/UK)
    Night Across the Street (Raoul Ruiz | 2012 | Chile/France)*
    Pain & Gain (Michael Bay | 2013 | USA)*
    You're Next (Adam Wingard | 2011 | USA)
    Little Odessa (James Gray | 1994 | USA)*

    *recommended *highly recommended

    “It isn't easy to accept that suffering can also be beautiful... it's difficult. It's something you can only understand if you dig deeply into yourself.” -- Rainer Werner Fassbinder

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  14. #59414
    Since 1929 Morris Schæffer's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Derek (view post)
    I believe you're looking for the Masochism Thread, Morris.
    There's more crazyness coming up with the double bill of Piranha 2: The Spawning and Skyline.

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    • Dark (S3) ✦✦✦½ [-]
    • Fall (Mann, 2022) ✦✦✦½ [-]
    • Ms. Marvel (S1) ✦½ [+]
    • Dark (S2) ✦✦✦✦
    • Moon Knight (S1) ✦✦½ [-]
    • Get Carter (Hodges, 1971) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • Prey (Trachtenberg, 2022) ✦✦✦ [-]
    • Black Bird (S1) ✦✦✦✦
    • Better Call Saul (S6) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • Halo (S1) ✦✦✦ [-]
    • Slow Horses (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • H4Z4RD (Govaerts, 2022/BE) ✦✦½ [-]
    • Gangs of London (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • We Own This City (S1) ✦✦✦½ [+]
    • Thor: Love and Thunder (Waititi, 2022) ✦✦ [+]

  15. #59415
    Montage, s'il vous plait? Raiders's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Brightside (view post)
    Hm. You may be onto something. Apparently Gary Cooper was an avowed anti-communist, so Zinnemann may have slipped this one past him.
    I say stick to your initial guns. The film is hardly convincing as any kind of anti-McCarthy sentiment. I doubt so many anti-Communist people would have confused and applauded the film (I find it funny the USSR despised the film as well). I have never seen why this is a film held in such high regard. So much of the film rests on Cooper's shoulders, and he is monotonous and boring, just content to merely walk around with a pained expression on his face.

    I will stick up for the film against Howard Hawks' bizarre complaint (and the reason he made Rio Bravo) that Cooper failed to be a traditional western hero, which is precisely the point. Hawks could run circles around Zinnemann so his film winds up being the better one, but it seems so strange for the man who made one of Hollywood's (and cinema's) greatest statements against hard-edged masculinity in Only Angels Have Wings would suddenly view a western with a nervous sheriff seeking help as bad cinema.
    Recently Viewed:
    Thor: The Dark World (2013) **½
    The Counselor (2013) *½
    Walden (1969) ***
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    Before Midnight (2013) ***

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  16. #59416
    neurotic subjectivist B-side's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Raiders (view post)
    I say stick to your initial guns. The film is hardly convincing as any kind of anti-McCarthy sentiment. I doubt so many anti-Communist people would have confused and applauded the film (I find it funny the USSR despised the film as well). I have never seen why this is a film held in such high regard. So much of the film rests on Cooper's shoulders, and he is monotonous and boring, just content to merely walk around with a pained expression on his face.

    I will stick up for the film against Howard Hawks' bizarre complaint (and the reason he made Rio Bravo) that Cooper failed to be a traditional western hero, which is precisely the point. Hawks could run circles around Zinnemann so his film winds up being the better one, but it seems so strange for the man who made one of Hollywood's (and cinema's) greatest statements against hard-edged masculinity in Only Angels Have Wings would suddenly view a western with a nervous sheriff seeking help as bad cinema.
    I'm a big Cooper fan, and I really dug him in this. Even outside of its politics, it's a tight, tense experience. I can see both readings, really. Perhaps it's better that way.
    Last 5 Viewed
    Riddick (David Twohy | 2013 | USA/UK)
    Night Across the Street (Raoul Ruiz | 2012 | Chile/France)*
    Pain & Gain (Michael Bay | 2013 | USA)*
    You're Next (Adam Wingard | 2011 | USA)
    Little Odessa (James Gray | 1994 | USA)*

    *recommended *highly recommended

    “It isn't easy to accept that suffering can also be beautiful... it's difficult. It's something you can only understand if you dig deeply into yourself.” -- Rainer Werner Fassbinder

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  17. #59417
    The Pan Qrazy's Avatar
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    Either way, does it really matter what the exact political subtext is? It's a film about everyone you know bailing on you in a time of need which is very true to life in my opinion.

    Rio Bravo is an obnoxious film.
    The Princess and the Pilot - B-
    Playtime (rewatch) - A
    The Hobbit - C-
    The Comedy - D+
    Kings of the Road - C+
    The Odd Couple - B
    Red Rock West - C-
    The Hunger Games - D-
    Prometheus - C
    Tangled - C+

  18. #59418
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    Quote Quoting Qrazy (view post)
    Either way, does it really matter what the exact political subtext is? It's a film about everyone you know bailing on you in a time of need which is very true to life in my opinion.

    Rio Bravo is an obnoxious film.
    There's probably a good movie to be made with that script, but High Noon wasn't it, mostly for he reasons Raiders notes.

    Not sure what you could find obnoxious about Rio Bravo. Maybe the slightly forced romance or Ricky Martin's presence but .. Other than that?

  19. #59419
    Not a praying man Melville's Avatar
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    Everybody was right: Seventh Victim was probably my favorite of the Tourneur/Lewton movies I've watched. Very quiet and melancholy. I like the strain of Romanticism running through these movies. And Tom Conway rocks the dark and smug style.
    I am impatient of all misery in others that is not mad. Thou should'st go mad, blacksmith; say, why dost thou not go mad? How can'st thou endure without being mad? Do the heavens yet hate thee, that thou can'st not go mad?

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  20. #59420
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Boner M (view post)
    A friend alerted me to this IMDb user list. Well worth puzzling over.
    Maybe I'm just exhausted from studying for finals, but this made me laugh really hard. I don't ever want an explanation. The mystery is pure gold.

  21. #59421
    pushing too many pencils Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Melville (view post)
    Everybody was right: Seventh Victim was probably my favorite of the Tourneur/Lewton movies I've watched. Very quiet and melancholy. I like the strain of Romanticism running through these movies. And Tom Conway rocks the dark and smug style.
    The Seventh Victim is actually directed by Mark Robson, who also directed the underestimated Ghost Ship and the last two Lewton productions, Bedlam and Isle of the Dead, neither of which I've yet seen. The only Tourneur-directed Lewton you haven't seen is The Leopard Man, which is a wonderful film, but also the closest to resembling a modern horror film. It's actually fascinating as a sort of proto-giallo/slasher flick, albeit just about the classiest one ever made.

    Speaking of The Seventh Victim, I wonder if Lynch was inspired by the scene in which the detective disappears down the dark hallway for his similar scene featuring Bill Pullman in Lost Highway.
    Letterboxd rating scale:
    The Long Riders (Hill) ***
    Furious 7 (Wan) **½
    Hard Times (Hill) ****½
    Another 48 Hrs. (Hill) ***
    /48 Hrs./ (Hill) ***½
    The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (Besson) ***
    /Unknown/ (Collet-Serra) ***½
    Animal (Simmons) **

  22. #59422
    Jacques Rivette reportedly screened The Seventh Victim to his cast and crew before making Duelle. I haven't seen that particular Rivette, but it's not surprising that he'd love TSV given its mood and thematic preoccupations (hermetic societies, cities as labyrinths).

  23. #59423
    Not a praying man Melville's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Rowland (view post)
    The Seventh Victim is actually directed by Mark Robson, who also directed the underestimated Ghost Ship and the last two Lewton productions, Bedlam and Isle of the Dead, neither of which I've yet seen.
    Well, that explains the mysterious "(Mark Robson)" following the title in the file name. It might also explain the less dramatic lighting, though that might've just been me not paying attention. I'll check out The Leopard Man.
    I am impatient of all misery in others that is not mad. Thou should'st go mad, blacksmith; say, why dost thou not go mad? How can'st thou endure without being mad? Do the heavens yet hate thee, that thou can'st not go mad?

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  24. #59424
    Ain't that just the way EyesWideOpen's Avatar
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    The whole scene in If.... with Malcolm McDowell and Christine Noonan in the diner is really something amazing.
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    Wayward Pines: Season 1 (2015) B

    Currently Playing: Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise (replay) (XB1) / Contradiction (PC)
    Recently Finished: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PS4) A+ / Life is Strange: Ep 4 (PS4) A / Bastion (replay) (PS4) B+

  25. #59425
    pushing too many pencils Rowland's Avatar
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    Hmm, I didn't expect to like Carnage and Shame more than Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. This last month or so that I've spent catching up with the remaining 2011 releases I was really excited for has proved underwhelming, nothing has been anywhere near breaking the list I finalized for our award stuff. Oh well, there are still a few more I'm firmly intent on seeing, after which I think I'll move on for now.
    Letterboxd rating scale:
    The Long Riders (Hill) ***
    Furious 7 (Wan) **½
    Hard Times (Hill) ****½
    Another 48 Hrs. (Hill) ***
    /48 Hrs./ (Hill) ***½
    The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (Besson) ***
    /Unknown/ (Collet-Serra) ***½
    Animal (Simmons) **

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