Sounds to me you've spotted a gap in the market place. Go forth and criticize.Quoting Sycophant (view post)
Sounds to me you've spotted a gap in the market place. Go forth and criticize.Quoting Sycophant (view post)
Last 10 Movies Seen
(90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)
Run (2020) 64
The Whistlers (2019) 55
Pawn (2020) 62
Matilda (1996) 37
The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1976) 61
Moby Dick (2011) 50
Soul (2020) 64
Heroic Duo (2003) 55
A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
As Tears Go By (1988) 65
Stuff at Letterboxd
Listening Habits at LastFM
I think that that's what the whole 33 1/2 series is about, but don't take my word for it.
Would that I could. But I don't understand music at all.Quoting transmogrifier (view post)
Thanks for the tip. I'll look into them. However, I'm a little worried about the fact that they publish a book per album, only on what is generally considered canon. I worry they're for fans of the bands/albums.Quoting Acapelli (view post)
There's too much music. I can't keep up.
I think that, after 2008, I may stop actively giving brand new bands a chance. I think the best way forward is to finalize a list of bands/singers I love, and just follow whatever they put out, if anything, in the future. It's too tiring.
Last 10 Movies Seen
(90+ = canonical, 80-89 = brilliant, 70-79 = strongly recommended, 60-69 = good, 50-59 = mixed, 40-49 = below average with some good points, 30-39 = poor, 20-29 = bad, 10-19 = terrible, 0-9 = soul-crushingly inept in every way)
Run (2020) 64
The Whistlers (2019) 55
Pawn (2020) 62
Matilda (1996) 37
The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1976) 61
Moby Dick (2011) 50
Soul (2020) 64
Heroic Duo (2003) 55
A Moment of Romance (1990) 61
As Tears Go By (1988) 65
Stuff at Letterboxd
Listening Habits at LastFM
Johan Wohlert from Mew and Pernille Rosendahl from Swan Lee, two of my favorite bands, have formed a new band called The Storm. I just heard their first single, Drops In The Ocean, and it's wonderful. It's rock, it's pop, it's dark and it's easy on the ears. So epic! I love it!
Too much? :lol:
"Listen man, it might be hard to understand, but
Don't mourn the dead,
Celebrate the life they gave"
- Kashmir "Seraphina"
This has been my route for the last 5 years. I still pick up the occasional brand new band, but for the most part I do what you said above.Quoting transmogrifier (view post)
As much as I say I'll never do this, I can't imagine 5 years down the line spending the inordinate amount of time on the internet looking up new bands like I do now.Quoting transmogrifier (view post)
There's a radio show that they play on public radio, called Sound Opinions, kinda like the Siskel & Ebert of rock music. Two guys arguing about artists, bands, etc.
They're both major rock nerds who have a pretty good knowledge of what's going on in the music biz, and have a good sense of rock music's history, and their album reviews usually take into account those things you mentioned - the genre, the existing body of work of the artist, how well the songs fit together, the songs themselves.
And wow, they nailed the latest Go! Team record.
You might wanna check it out.
Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)
So, anyone hear this yet?
So far it's pretty. Pavement's pretty much my favorite band, but I really haven't cared much for Malkmus' solo stuff until now. This is like, Pavement with a classic rock twist. Pretty sweet.
You don't like Pig Lib? How is that humanly possible?
Just found out that their album is being produced by Roy Thomas Baker.Quoting Lasse (view post)
The man produced the record with Bohemian Rhapsody on it!! Holy f...
"Listen man, it might be hard to understand, but
Don't mourn the dead,
Celebrate the life they gave"
- Kashmir "Seraphina"
And by nailed you mean that they hold the same opinion you do?Quoting bac0n (view post)
Sorry, couldn't resist.
They nailed the strengths (fun, light-hearted atmosphere) and weaknesses (repetitive, no stand out songs, poor production values, vocals too far back in the mix) of the album.Quoting Acapelli (view post)
Which is to say, YES.
Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)
The soundtrack for Inland Empire came out today! Awesome.
See, what I think you consider weaknesses, I don't. The mixing and production are obviously done on purpose in the spirit of lo-fi music (they're debut is similar). And I don't see how having no stand out songs is a weakness, that just sounds silly to me. I'd consider them consistent.Quoting bac0n (view post)
Their sophomore outing is pretty much an extension of their first. The production is awesome.Quoting Acapelli (view post)
There's something to be said about consistency, but there's also a point where you cross the line from consistency to repetitiveness. I'm of the opinion that Go! Team's latest crosses that point. It's a fuzzy line, to be sure, but it's there. Somewhere behind this album.
And I'm all for the Lo-Fi sound as much as the next guy, but the audio in this album lacks a lot of the warmth I would expect from that. The mix sounds remarkably flat to me, especially on the low end. The brass sections really coulda used some more french horns and tubas, but that's just my personal preference.
Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)
To me there are at least 3 obvious standouts, I'll give concede that the band is a bit repetitive outside the standout tracks. As for the vocals and production values, that's pretty much the sound they are trying to achieve, as Acapelli pointed out and it's how they sound live as well, so it's either your cup of tea or it's not.Quoting bac0n (view post)
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
I'm listening to it now.Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
The fourth track, Woods Variation, sounds like the background music from a Resident Evil game.
Letterboxd rating scale:
The Long Riders (Hill) ***
Furious 7 (Wan) **½
Hard Times (Hill) ****½
Another 48 Hrs. (Hill) ***
/48 Hrs./ (Hill) ***½
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (Besson) ***
/Unknown/ (Collet-Serra) ***½
Animal (Simmons) **
The hilariously bad "Starship Trooper" by Sarah Brightman has been entertaining me all day.
Seriously, has anyone else heard this song? It's like "One Night in Bangkok" mixed with ABBA.
"All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"
"'s a flamethrower."
Destroyer's Trouble in Dreams leaked!!!!!!!!
really loving "Shooting Rockets (From the Desk of the Night's Ape)"Quoting krazed (view post)
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
Even though it is just a covers album, I am digging the new Cat Power album, but then again, I am pretty biased towards her.
Loving the new Xiu Xiu!
In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7
My two cents:
T. Rex is the greatest band ever and Marc Bolan is a goddamn genius.