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Thread: Discuss the Musics Thread

  1. #51
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    Quote Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
    Ever since reading this post, I've had "I Saw the Sign" in my head. I want my kids back.
    Not happening, unless you can convince George Michael to reunite Wham! and tour in Denmark.

    Seriously though, I loved them back in the 90's and when I heard they did a mini tour in November, my friends and I had to buy tickets.

  2. #52
    pushing too many pencils Rowland's Avatar
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    I listened to The Downward Spiral today for the first time in at least half a decade. Seriously, how did Reznor go from writing/producing this to his last two albums? I always thought that they were distinctly lacking in ambition and powerful/creative songwriting, but man, compared to TDS, they are garbage.
    Letterboxd rating scale:
    The Long Riders (Hill) ***
    Furious 7 (Wan) **½
    Hard Times (Hill) ****½
    Another 48 Hrs. (Hill) ***
    /48 Hrs./ (Hill) ***½
    The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (Besson) ***
    /Unknown/ (Collet-Serra) ***½
    Animal (Simmons) **

  3. #53
    Director bac0n's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)

    There are millions of ways to be inventive in any genre of music, so long as the audience doesn't compartmentalize genre into strictly defined genreboxes (thus becoming afraid to experience new things), and so long as the artist doesn't adhere to the "definitions" of genre. Just recently I was turned on to a compilation of new jazz artists called, Money Will Ruin Everything, and trust me, there is plenty of room to innovate within the "jazz" genre.
    Word. Why, one of my favorite purchases of the year was I'm Not A Gun's "We Think As Instrument" which is a completely fresh take on the Jazz genre by, of all things, a minimalist electronic artist (John Tejada) and a classical guitar prodigy of the great Pepe Romero (Takeshi Nishimoto).

  4. #54
    Anyone got Beirut's new album?

  5. #55
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting SpaceOddity (view post)
    Anyone got Beirut's new album?
    yeah it's glorious
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


  6. #56
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Thirdmango (view post)
    Music genres are dead but music will never be dead. For instance Jazz is dead. There's no way to be inventive in Jazz anymore.
    that's a joke right?
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


  7. #57
    Crying Enthusiast Sven's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
    yeah it's glorious
    Eh, I think it's unfortunate, actually. Its sound is not nearly as inventive or diverse as their first album. It sounds like Beirut doing Beirut, which, by one's second album, is kind of sad. It's not bad, certainly, but it's a bit by-the-numbers.

  8. #58
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    Does anyone else listen to The Jim Yoshii Line-Up? I've been listening to the album Picks Us Apart religiously lately.

  9. #59
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Library rentals:

    And I think they have a handful of Dyan albums. Some of them might be "Best Of" collections though. I'll have to check back and see which ones they have. I like school libraries as much as public libraries when it comes to renting CDs as well as DVDs and books.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  10. #60
    Stunt Man Justin's Avatar
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    New Breeders song!!! And apparently a new album April 8th.

  11. #61
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    I picked up the new, remastered deluxe version of U2's The Joshua Tree today. I haven't really listened to this album since I bought the tape when I was in Jr. High, and damn, does it ever sound awesome.

    I also picked up the Classic Albums Making of The Joshua Tree on DVD. I'll be watching this tonight.

  12. #62
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    So last night I watched the Classic Albums, Making of DVDs for U2's The Joshua Tree and Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. Both were very good.

    On the Joshua Tree, it was awesome to see so much time spent with Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno, the fifth and sixth members of the band. So much of U2's sound can be attributed to this creative team. Also, it was so cool to see how humble Bono is when he and Lanois went back to listen to the master tracks. Bono always appears like a larger than life superstar, and to see him cringe a little at some of the solo vocal tracks was a neat touch. Bono actually acts a little embarrassed next to Lanois, a musician who he looks up to a great deal, and I really enjoyed this human touch.

    The Dark Side of the Moon DVD was also fantastic. Beyond their music, one of my favorite things about Floyd is how they have all aged gracefully. They have embraced old age with maturity. They dress their age, talk their age, and act their age. They are not an embarrassment like the Rolling Stones are now, trying desperately to cling on to the way they use to dress and look. Also, Gilmour proves that he still has the chops and the voice during an awesome acoustic performance of Breathe.

  13. #63
    Screenwriter Duncan's Avatar
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    I wish I had never gone to that Roger Waters concert over the summer. Otherwise, I might still be a fan of Pink Floyd. What an awful experience.
    Wishful thinking, perhaps; but that is just another possible definition of the featherless biped.

  14. #64
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Duncan (view post)
    I wish I had never gone to that Roger Waters concert over the summer. Otherwise, I might still be a fan of Pink Floyd. What an awful experience.
    I can imagine. He's kind of lost his touch, where as Gilmour is still awesome. His last album is really good, and so is the last live DVD he put out. Good stuff.

    Although, Waters' Amused to Death is a pretty good album. It has a handful of amazing tunes.

  15. #65
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    Quote Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
    On the Joshua Tree, it was awesome to see so much time spent with Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno, the fifth and sixth members of the band. So much of U2's sound can be attributed to this creative team. Also, it was so cool to see how humble Bono is when he and Lanois went back to listen to the master tracks. Bono always appears like a larger than life superstar, and to see him cringe a little at some of the solo vocal tracks was a neat touch. Bono actually acts a little embarrassed next to Lanois, a musician who he looks up to a great deal, and I really enjoyed this human touch.
    Is this from the Joshua Tree special edition cd+dvd edition? Or is this from the Making of dvd?

  16. #66
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Lasse (view post)
    Is this from the Joshua Tree special edition cd+dvd edition? Or is this from the Making of dvd?
    It is from the Classic Albums Making of Series on DVD. I bought the new remastered version of the album from iTunes, so I didn't get the DVD in the set.

  17. #67
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
    So last night I watched the Classic Albums, Making of DVDs for U2's The Joshua Tree and Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. Both were very good.

    On the Joshua Tree, it was awesome to see so much time spent with Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno, the fifth and sixth members of the band. So much of U2's sound can be attributed to this creative team. Also, it was so cool to see how humble Bono is when he and Lanois went back to listen to the master tracks. Bono always appears like a larger than life superstar, and to see him cringe a little at some of the solo vocal tracks was a neat touch. Bono actually acts a little embarrassed next to Lanois, a musician who he looks up to a great deal, and I really enjoyed this human touch.

    The Dark Side of the Moon DVD was also fantastic. Beyond their music, one of my favorite things about Floyd is how they have all aged gracefully. They have embraced old age with maturity. They dress their age, talk their age, and act their age. They are not an embarrassment like the Rolling Stones are now, trying desperately to cling on to the way they use to dress and look. Also, Gilmour proves that he still has the chops and the voice during an awesome acoustic performance of Breathe.
    Dude both those sound really, really awesome. I love The Joshau Tree and I consider it one of the best albums I've ever heard. Plus I'll admit that when I listen to the band's music I often forget about the other members of the group besides Bono and the Edge, even though the others are just as important to the group. That's cool to hear about Bono being cool enough to admit when his stuff can be improved.

    That's great to hear about Pink Floyd. And recently I've started to prefer Gilmour to Waters, not because I've heard their individual solo efforts but simply because I think Gilmour was as much of a creative force in the band as Waters was. I'll be on the lookout for those DVDs.

    There's Nothing Left To Loose is a solid album that gets dragged down by some really subpar, soft rock tracks that just don't work. Other softer tracks do work, but the best tune on the album (Stacked Actors) is more in the band's hard rock, grunge roots vein. I think Foo Fighters should stick to that more, although their accostic work is really awesome (the accostic version of Everlong is better than the original song). I think my school's library also has In Your Honor and I may check that out as well after X-Mas break.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  18. #68
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting MadMan (view post)
    Dude both those sound really, really awesome. I love The Joshau Tree and I consider it one of the best albums I've ever heard. Plus I'll admit that when I listen to the band's music I often forget about the other members of the group besides Bono and the Edge, even though the others are just as important to the group. That's cool to hear about Bono being cool enough to admit when his stuff can be improved.

    That's great to hear about Pink Floyd. And recently I've started to prefer Gilmour to Waters, not because I've heard their individual solo efforts but simply because I think Gilmour was as much of a creative force in the band as Waters was. I'll be on the lookout for those DVDs.
    If you like these bands, and the albums, it's pretty much a no brainer that you'll like these DVDs. I got them both pretty cheap off of the Amazon Market Place. I think the U2 one is out of print now.

    On the Dark Side DVD, they also talk a bit about Syd, and how the band had to change focus after his departure. Syd was all about writing short little pop songs, and the rest of the band totally lacked in this department. They had to totally change gears, and found that their strengths were more in crafting epic songs and albums. I sometimes try to imagine what would have happened had Syd stayed sane. While we wouldn't have Meddle, Dark Side, Animals, or Wish You Were Here, I wonder what we would have had?

  19. #69
    Screenwriter Duncan's Avatar
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    New Silver Jews album track list.

    Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea:

    01 What is Not But Could Be If
    02 Aloysius, Bluegrass Drummer
    03 Suffering Jukebox
    04 My Pillow is the Threshold
    05 Strange Victory, Strange Defeat
    06 San Francisco B.C.
    07 Open Field
    08 Party Barge
    09 Candy Jail
    10 We Could Be Looking for the Same Thing
    Wishful thinking, perhaps; but that is just another possible definition of the featherless biped.

  20. #70
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    So David Gilmour: Live at the Royal Albert Hall is awesome. David Bowie takes the lead vocal part on Comfortably Numb and Arnold Layne, and the version of Echoes is amazing. It is a really nice mix of old and new Floyd coupled with selections from Gilmour's newest solo album.

  21. #71
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Damn - the live versions of Gilmour's On an Island and The Blue, both from his newest album, are incredible. Totally amazing.

  22. #72
    RIP, Karlheinz Stockhausen.

  23. #73
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    some good leaks today:

    Magnetic Fields - Distortion
    Beach House - Devotion
    British Sea Power - Do You Like Rock Music?
    Hot Chip - Made In the Dark
    Rivers Cuomo - Alone: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo
    Andre 3000 - Whole Foods
    Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
    RJD2 Vs. Jay-Z - The Silver Album
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


  24. #74
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Henry Gale (view post)
    Right now though, the reason I came into the thread was to say I'm listening to "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town" by them from their new Sawdust compilation album. It's pretty great for the type of CD it is even if some of the re-recordings of tracks I loved in the past like "Under The Gun" and "Move Away" aren't quite up to par with the original versions in my opinion. It also has "Leave The Bourbon On The Shelf" which completes the trilogy of the "Midnight Show" and "Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine" story.
    While staying up late for finals last night I decided to watch VH1 as they were showing videos. I finally got to see the video for Shadowplay, which is off that disc you mentioned to me back in the "What Are You Listening To?" thread. I love the song and the video is really haunting and has stunning black and white cinemotography. I can't help but wonder if its really about someone, either the band themselves or perhaps a reference to another musician they might have known. Anyways I hope to purchase it when I head back home over break.

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  25. #75
    Best Boy Horbgorbler's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
    some good leaks today:

    Magnetic Fields - Distortion
    AH! AH! Do I give in, or do I wait? Do I spoil the surprise or set myself up for greater disappointment? Eekeekeekeekeek.

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