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Thread: Discuss the Musics Thread

  1. #251
    Stunt Man Justin's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting megladon8 (view post)
    A Tribe Called Quest is freaking wonderful.

    Both "Midnight Marauders" and "The Low End Theory" have been playing on my iPod non-stop for the last week.
    Yes they are. Those two albums are easily two of my most favorite, although I am in the minority and prefer Marauders over Low End.

  2. #252
    The Pan megladon8's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Justin (view post)
    Yes they are. Those two albums are easily two of my most favorite, although I am in the minority and prefer Marauders over Low End.

    That's the minority?

    Because it's easily my preference as well.
    "All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?"

    "'s a flamethrower."

  3. #253
    Stunt Man Justin's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting megladon8 (view post)
    That's the minority?

    Because it's easily my preference as well.
    I don't know, just everyone I have talked to seems to prefer Low End, I think the production on Marauders is so much better and that elevates it above.

    On another subject, I really like the She & Him album, but then again like most people here I have a crush on Zooey, so it is a biased opinion.

  4. #254
    Director bac0n's Avatar
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    Dave Brubeck is coming to town on May 25th!

    Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)

  5. #255
    Too much responsibility Kurosawa Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting bac0n (view post)
    Dave Brubeck is coming to town on May 25th!

    Is it sad that I figured he was dead?

  6. #256
    Director bac0n's Avatar
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    Well, the man is 88 years old. I figure I need to see him when he comes, cuz who knows how many more performances he has in him.
    Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)

  7. #257
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    I'm going to see Agalloch next Friday night.

    This should be insanely awesome.

  8. #258
    Super Moderator dreamdead's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Daniel Davis (view post)
    I'm going to see Agalloch next Friday night.

    This should be insanely awesome.
    And now I am jealous. Hope they put on a good show for you... I've heard good things about their concerts, though that was during The Mantle days when they strove to be as experimental in the live format as possible (Japanese drums, etc.)
    The Boat People - 9
    The Power of the Dog - 7.5
    The King of Pigs - 7

  9. #259
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting dreamdead (view post)
    And now I am jealous. Hope they put on a good show for you... I've heard good things about their concerts, though that was during The Mantle days when they strove to be as experimental in the live format as possible (Japanese drums, etc.)
    It's at a super small club, too. Should be fun.

    I'm glad you've heard good things about them live. I've heard nothing, and was a little apprehensive.

    I'm really interested to see what kind of crowd they draw. Will it be metal heads, hipster kids, or ren fair folk?

    I wish they would release their new EP on iTunes. I guess I'll have to wait until next Friday to buy it.

  10. #260
    Here till the end MadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
    Is it sad that I figured he was dead?
    Until I learned that he recently released a disc (one that I think actually was nominated for a Grammy this year. I donno if it won or not), I thought that he was dead as well. The guy isn't exactly a spring chicken though at 88...

    Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
    But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
    Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
    And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

  11. #261
    Join Date
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    New album out from Irish/Danish rapper tomorrow. It's bloody brilliant. He was a typical gangsta rapper, but on his last album Cassiopeia he suddenly started writing good lyrics and his beats were awesome. On his new double album Melankolia/Xxx Couture, he decided to try something entirely new to him, electro rap. I love it.

    Although you won't understand a word of it:
    LOC - Xxx Couture
    LOC feat. Orgi-E - Sl!k
    LOC - Tortur
    "Listen man, it might be hard to understand, but
    Don't mourn the dead,
    Celebrate the life they gave"
    - Kashmir "Seraphina"

  12. #262
    What is best in life? D_Davis's Avatar
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    So the new Agalloch E.P. doesn't rock - at all!

    It's almost all acoustic, and really folksy.

    It sounds more like the Diablo 2 soundtrack than anything...

    I think Blizzard should listen to it, maybe they'd get started on Diablo 3 sooner.

    I hope they don't play all this acoustic stuff this Friday when I see them.

  13. #263
    Director bac0n's Avatar
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    Art Tatum is the finest pianist this country has ever produced, period.

    Evidence One: Yesterdays

    Evidence Two: She's Funny That Way

    Evidence Three: Elegy

    Evidence Four: The Definitive Art Tatum Piece: Tiger Rag. Try to keep up.

    Yes, this is only one guy playing. And yes, Art Tatum grew up for the most part blind.

    After hearing Art Tatum play, Sergei Rachmoninoff Himself declared Tatum to be the greatest piano player alive.
    Losing is like fertilizer: it stinks for a while, then you get used to it. (Tony, Hibbing)

  14. #264
    Best Boy Horbgorbler's Avatar
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    A Heppy Lend, Fur Fur Away

    Yes. Yes. Yes.


    Tatum = God.

  15. #265
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    M83's new album "Saturdays = Youth" leaked!

    found this website that maps bands similarities and more...great place for getting new music recommendations, tracking releases etc.
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


  16. #266
    White Tiger Field Stay Puft's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
    M83's new album "Saturdays = Youth" leaked!
    Listened to it twice in a row last night while finishing my term paper. So good.
    Giving up in 2020. Who cares.

    maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore (Sky Hopinka) ***½
    Without Remorse (Stefano Sollima) *½
    The Marksman (Robert Lorenz) **
    Beckett (Ferdinando Cito Filomarino) *½
    Night Hunter (David Raymond) *

  17. #267
    pushing too many pencils Rowland's Avatar
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    Where did you guys find the new M83?
    Letterboxd rating scale:
    The Long Riders (Hill) ***
    Furious 7 (Wan) **½
    Hard Times (Hill) ****½
    Another 48 Hrs. (Hill) ***
    /48 Hrs./ (Hill) ***½
    The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (Besson) ***
    /Unknown/ (Collet-Serra) ***½
    Animal (Simmons) **

  18. #268
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Stay Puft (view post)
    Listened to it twice in a row last night while finishing my term paper. So good.
    This album is a lot heavier on vocals. The second half is great, but I'm a little ambivalent towards the first half and especially the female vocals.

    Quote Quoting Rowland (view post)
    Where did you guys find the new M83?
    private tracker...I have invites, if anyone is interested send pm...Is it not on soulseek yet?
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


  19. #269
    Quote Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
    private tracker...I have invites, if anyone is interested send pm...Is it not on soulseek yet?

    Because I would love one. Especially since waffles never sent me one after I sent them my oink information.

  20. #270
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Acapelli (view post)

    Because I would love one. Especially since waffles never sent me one after I sent them my oink information.
    yeah I have invites to both...sent you a waffles invite to the email, but it failed...also sent invite...not sure if the email I have is incorrect or not:
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


  21. #271
    Quote Quoting origami_mustache (view post)
    yeah I have invites to both...sent you a waffles invite to the email, but it failed...also sent invite...not sure if the email I have is incorrect or not:
    Haha, this happened with the karagarga invite, it's, although I initially (and mistakenly) put .net at the end.

  22. #272
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Acapelli (view post)
    Haha, this happened with the karagarga invite, it's, although I initially (and mistakenly) put .net at the end.
    haha oooh yes now I remember. Sent invite...waffles invites closed already.
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


  23. #273
    You rule.

  24. #274
    Producer Yxklyx's Avatar
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    Anyone here know anything about Swing music from the 40s and 50s? If so, what are some recommendations of artists or whatever?

  25. #275
    can recall his past lives origami_mustache's Avatar
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    Quote Quoting Yxklyx (view post)
    Anyone here know anything about Swing music from the 40s and 50s? If so, what are some recommendations of artists or whatever?
    Benny Goodman
    Count Basie
    Glenn Miller
    Duke Ellington
    Cab Calloway
    In Front of Your Face (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    Introduction (Hong Sang-soo, 2021) - 6
    True Mothers (Naomi Kawase, 2020) - 8
    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy - (Ryusuke Hamaguchi, 2021) - 7
    Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2020) - 7
    The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion, 2021) - 9
    Don't Look Up - (Adam McKay, 2021) - 4
    The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski, 2021) - 4.5
    Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven, 2021) - 7


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