Quote Quoting MadMan (view post)
The Top 15 Albums I've listened to in 2009 (culled from 51 albums total):

1. Illinoise, Sufjan Stevens
2. London Calling-The Clash
3. Attack and Release-The Black Keys
4. The Ghost of Tom Joad-Bruce Springsteen
5. Who's Next-The Who
6. Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!-Godspeed You! Black Emperor
7. Parachutes-Coldplay
8. Guero-Beck
9. Kid A-Radiohead
10. Daydream Nation-Sonic Youth
11. Funeral-Aracade Fire
12. Vampire Weekend-Vampire Weekend
13. After the Gold Rush-Neil Young
14. thickfreakness-The Black Keys
15. The Queen is Dead-The Smiths

The first seven get ****/****, the rest ***1/2 out of ****
If Who's Next isn't on the top of your list by the end of the year, I'm going to kick you square in the nuts.
