This site... it feels so naked. At least it's a virgin site no more.
This site... it feels so naked. At least it's a virgin site no more.
*pounces on first thread*
This look will take a bit of getting used to. The smilies are a bit freaky.
You are called "Errand Boy" in your title above. I move that you be named "The Deflowerer."Quoting dreamdead (view post)
The layout is going to need a facelift, but it shouldn't be too hard. VBulletin is probably the most customizable forum around.
Indeed. And I feel so naked without an avatar... how will I ever cope?Quoting jenniferofthejungle (view post)
God fucking dammit, I was supposed to drop the period from the end of my username. That was my joke about getting a new username. My life has been soiled.
Uh, nevermind... the 'Welcome, ____' at the top of the page just displays my name with a period.
What an entrance!
Quoting Boner M (view post)
It's Erection-Z!
Actually you do have a giant green period after your name.Quoting Boner M (view post)
I can't wait to find out what a hot thread with no new posts is.
Here is why Halloween was crazy
Headline news. Cool.
In my town, there were only 9 structural fires on Devil's Night, as opposed to 44 last year. Guess having the police actually patrol the streets works. Who'da thunk it?Quoting Ezee E (view post)
No Colbert '08 after all.
This is good news.Quoting Sycophant (view post)
I can't claim to be heartbroken. His point/stunt has been made.Quoting Kurosawa Fan (view post)
It's utterly retarded that you have to be approved by certain people to run for the President for a major party. Nobody owns these parties - actually, we all do. If Colbert wants to run as a democrat, he should be able to regardless of some set of rules.
Granted, he was just pulling a stunt, but still. It goes to illustrate just how utterly stupid our whole system is.
I changed the layout so user info is side-by-side with the post. I like this way better. Everyone else agree?
Way better.Quoting The Armchair Critic (view post)
Much, much preferred. Is the text freakishly large for anyone else? I don't like how your name runs onto two lines.Quoting The Armchair Critic (view post)
Nicely done. Will we have rep, or are we skipping that?
Better?Quoting Sycophant (view post)