For the record, he addressed Wonder Woman in a post on his Patreon page.
Type: Posts; User: Kurosawa Fan
For the record, he addressed Wonder Woman in a post on his Patreon page.
This is one of my favorite shows on TV right now. It is so much fun week in and week out.
The entire thing played like a porn parody of The X-Files minus the porn. It was just embarrassing.
I didn't think Carter could get worse than his work in season 10, but he absolutely proved me wrong. I didn't even make it to the twist. I couldn't stomach how fucking abysmal the writing was. I'll...
Hahahahaha. Very true. I hated this movie so much I needed to come to a comfortable corner of the internet and vent.
Luke was going to KILL HIS NEPHEW without even having a discussion with him about what he was sensing.
If that's STAR WARS then I'll happily walk away from the fandom.
Good to know some things haven't changed during my absence.
I'm doing well, bud. Thanks for asking. A very big congrats to you, by the way. Saw the engagement stuff on FB or Insta or something. Very happy for you.
Poor dialogue, bloated length, bad CG, sense of humor that falls flat 90% of the time, drama that elicits no emotion. It might not be quite as bad as the prequels, but it's damn close.
This movie is utter garbage. On par with the prequels. Such an utter disappointment. Disjointed, illogical, bloated, etc., etc., etc. Just awful.
EDIT: And for the record, I enjoyed The Force...
Rex Reed makes my "worst list," so that pretty much checks out.
It's working for me, Duke. I can see Schefter's initial tweet.
Always a pleasure when you stop by, Irish. Always goes so swimmingly around here.
It was a lighthearted stab, Irish. I'm well aware that the royal family wasn't the target, but they were certainly criticized in the piece (with the queen herself stopping by to ask the Prime...
Oh, and comparing something like that to Twilight Zone is such a disservice to what Rod Serling created, I can only shake my head.
I watched the first two episodes of Black Mirror and hated them. Well produced and directed, sure, but pathetically misanthropic, with an edginess that lacks any real cut. The social commentary has...
That's a really bad trailer. Makes it look like feel good Oscar bait nonsense (although pretty looking nonsense).
Listening to "The Sound of Sports" right now. Thanks for the rec. Also grabbed Hardcore History.
Speaking of podcasts, big thanks to Davis and ledfloyd for pointing out Radiolab. I've been binging on their podcasts while working for the last week. Really strong stuff. Favorites thus far are...
Thanks for the heads up, 8. Much appreciated, as is all your hard work.
My wording was flippant, Irish, because I'm on a message board with people I have known now for 10+ years. I feel as comfortable as if I were sitting in a room having drinks and casual conversation....
I don't know. Again, you're probably correct, but as the podcast progresses, she has serious doubts about Adnan. If it does skew that way, it could be that (a) that's how her journey began, being...
You are probably correct. It's impossible to say how I would feel if it were my own child. Bringing all of that back into focus would certainly be torturous, but I can't imagine not feeling awful at...
Yeah, this is the toughest part about the story thus far. This is what makes it so compelling. I'm not convinced that Adnan wasn't involved in some way, but to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt...
My comment wasn't intending to exclude the outrage, merely to challenge it, which I think is perfectly acceptable, and even necessary, even when it's my own outrage. Knee-jerk reactions should be...