That's ok, it wasn't expensive. I am liking it so far though.
Type: Posts; User: Marley
That's ok, it wasn't expensive. I am liking it so far though.
You got me hyped up for this one so I bought it off Amazon. Did you finish it yet by any chance? I'm going to start it tonight.
Does anyone happen to have an extra invite to KG? My old account there doesn't work for some reason. :frustrated:
Does anyone happen to have an extra invite to Karagarga? I seem to have lost my account. This would be greatly appreciated.
This is exactly how I felt after reading some of his other novels like Ubik and Scanner Darkly. I am so hyped to read Valis now.
Damn, it's 640 pages. Intimidating stuff. I booked both of them at the library and will start with which ever one arrives first.
Always been curious to read Pynchon. Would this be a good place to start for a newbie?
Sweet, thanks Davis. I'll let you know what I think about "Sirius" whenever I get around to finishing it sometime this week.
I picked up an original print of Dr. Bloodmoney during its first...
Read this one a couple of years ago and if I remember correctly, the author is also Canadian which is cool since I have yet to come across any talented science fiction writers from our home turf....
This "Dhalgren" novel you speak of sounds pretty damn cool. I've been in the mood to read some science fiction again -- got a bunch sitting on my shelf. Which ones would you recommend first guys?
Has anyone read Lonesome Dove? I only picked it up about a week ago (albeit, it is has been sitting on my shelf for years) and now almost finished. Such a wonderful story with great characters and I...
Yes, this. Thanks.
Is there a master list somewhere containing all the years?
I've never heard of that author but that is some rad cover-art. I hope the price was worth it. :lol:
This might have been me -- I've been on a Spark marathon and recently read both The Comforters and The Driver's Seat. Both were enticing reads although I have to give the upper hand to the latter for...
Duly noted. I'm with you that Stars My Destination is a landmark SF novel as well. Silly Melville. :crazy::lol:
That's amazing. N64 is still my favorite game console and Goldeneye was a huge part of my early teen years. Some of my fondest memories growing up is having friends come over and playing into the wee...
Bwhahaha, that is hilarious Number8!!. :lol:
Wouldn't a thorough analysis actually help you appreciate the texts more? I suppose it cuts both ways.
If you don't mind me asking, is this a thesis for a BA or PHD in English? My initial plan...
I've only read "A Turn of the Screw" along with a bunch of his other short-stories and much like the Ambassadors, I find his writing to be insufferably discursive. I can only assume that 'Portrait of...
Harsh. :eek:
Geez, Henry James is really starting to piss me off with his flowery run-on sentences. I've never encountered an author who uses so many colons, semi-colons and line breaks. I'm only 10 pages into...
Granted, there were many wonderful and beautiful passages that I copied down for future reference. He's a great writer, no doubt about that. I just wish his story-telling abilities were on the same...
Sorry, I somehow managed to overlook your post. This link is very helpful, thanks Davis! Also, your review of "The Comforters" has gotten me even more psyched to read it especially the connection you...
That's some high praise. I'll keep an eye out for his work in the future.