I havent read the book, but dig the movie. Probably about the same score. I'm not crazy about the movie as a whole, but that scene with Pitt on the rooftop was nearly worth the whole score to me. So...
Type: Posts; User: Skitch
I havent read the book, but dig the movie. Probably about the same score. I'm not crazy about the movie as a whole, but that scene with Pitt on the rooftop was nearly worth the whole score to me. So...
Its a horror film, imo.
In no order...
Extreme Prejudice
The Crow (2): City of Angels
Fire and Ice
Dick Tracy
The Grifters
Tron (2): Legacy
Ip Man
I added several 2023 movies to my list, but overall my list is more like "I have seen these releases" than "these are good movies" lol. Checkoff list stuff
I really enjoyed The Killer. You're right, it does wander, but I saw that more as a story issue than a directing issue. I haven't seen the original film its based on though.
we mostly moved to discord. ill get you an invite
clockers i have a weird reaction to. its not good, yet i want a sequel! imagine that
summer of sam deserves a higher score. its intentionally...grating...to mirror that summer.
25th hour is...
Not a big fan of Dial M either.
Why do we move to different places? We are the children of digital history.
Excellent write up. My problem with Shutter Island (which I like and own on blu-ray), is that I called it in the first five minutes in the theater. This is not a brag, but it pulled me out of the...
favorite bond film: goldeneye
favorite bond: dalton
Wow, EEAAO cleaned up!
I don't disagree. It was just odd coming to the film late as I did.
I appreciated Jordan's direction (as I usually do), but the reveal was wild to me. Not in the reveal of the you know what, but in Rea's character reaction to it. I thought that was more crazy. But...
That was sweet
Six months living with the retired in-laws was a big part of it.
My goal is to watch more movies. 2022 may have been my lowest count since I was a teenager.
I still peek in.
Hell no
Hell yeah
I didn't hate it, but it was utterly forgettable.
We've been over on discord more than here. Need an invite?
I haven't read NCFOM, but I always think of Fight Club when this topic comes up. That was a reaaaaaally close adaptation. The book just had more in between scenes, but I chalk it up to a difference...
Curious title from that director. I'm interested.
Yes, long after. They didnt even have it when I got sick. I got sick in march or april of ...whenever it was first breaking and the whole world was shutting down.