Hopefully we'll get to hear about the murphy group.
Type: Posts; User: kopello
Hopefully we'll get to hear about the murphy group.
1. Vive L’Amour (Tsai, 1994)
2. Profound Desire of the Gods (Imamura, 1968)
3. Tea and Sympathy (Minnelli, 1956)
4. The Territory (Ruiz, 1981)
5. Only Angels Have Wings (Hawks, 1939)
6. Frenzy...
Does anyone have experience/advice with connecting an hdmi via a minidisplay port on an iMac to a TV (a Hannspree). When I plug it in the video works perfectly, but I cannot get the audio to come out...
Comedy Bang Bang! S1
No, but I was searching them on RYM last night and saw that it was their most popular, so yea I'll probably give it a listen first.
This description definitely caught my attention, I'll have to check them out sometime.
They're showing The Quiet Man on the big screen here Tuesday, I thought about going but all this bad press is making me second guess.
1. Lonesome Dove (McMurtry)
2. The Invention of Morel (Casares)
3. Butcher's Crossing (Williams)
Whoa, very cool. They also added Liverpool, Harakiri, La France, The Last of England, eXistenZ, The Sacrifice, and Stardust Memories.
1. Tea and Sympathy (Minnelli, 1956)
2. Sexy Beast (Glazer, 2001)
3. Drums Along the Mohawk (Ford, 1939)
4. The Color Wheel (Perry, 2011)
5. Student (Omirbayev, 2012)
6. Zero Dark Thirty...
April Criterion titles announced. Excited about the Pierre Etaix set, I've heard good things. Also more Kobayashi is always welcomed.
Absolutely flying through Lonesome Dove since I got it at xmas. McMurtry's characters are so simple, yet completely fascinating at the same time.
Yea it's the Green, it's my first from him but I've heard good things.
So what did everyone get? I was a bit disappointed that there were several HD rips I ended up not getting, but overall I got some decent stuff (also bumped up my ratio from like .665 to 2.136).
So if I'm still downloading something when the freeleech ends is it going to add that to my ratio?
1. The Illustrated Man (Bradbury)
2. The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (Hoffer)
3. American Gods (Gaiman)
4. A High Wind in Jamaica (Hughes)
5. The Warrior Diet...
Only including albums I rated 4 stars or higher, though I didn't rate any 5 stars, yet.
1. Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom (1974)
2. Neil Young - Harvest (1972)/Time Fades Away (1973)/On the Beach...
LOVE Royal Headache. Wasn't that crazy about the Putrifiers II, it was decent but has nothing on their two from last year.
A bit late but:
An awesome pair of jeans
Some Books: Lonesome Dove, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, The Gormenghast Trilogy, Road to Serfdom, The Creature From Jekyll Island, and...
A couple of my weekend xmas viewings:
Die Hard: This was my second time viewing it since watching a tv version during high school, so it might as well be considered a true first time watch. The...
Don't really have much to say about this one other than I enjoyed the theatrics of it all but I found the story a total snooze.