I would do it. It's an interesting Q&A. He seems much more serious than his movies are funny.
Type: Posts; User: Doclop
I would do it. It's an interesting Q&A. He seems much more serious than his movies are funny.
So bored at work today...
Glad I stumbled back on the site!
So hysterical. Loved this movie. It's such an elevated and precise tone of humor that the smallest moments would work so well. And the DC stuff for me was just too much.
I am so pumped for this. A must see.
Pretty good. I referred to it as Margot at the Wedding 2008 out of excitement (or now as I like to call Margot, Rachel Getting Married 2007). Not as biting as Margot, but somehow much more heavy...
Really liked this movie, too. I think it's one of those where you really have to get the bigger picture before its effect really sinks in. Loved the ending clearly.
I love this movie. Saw it twice. Had such a movie/life high after the first time. And I'm usually not even that crazy about Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
I saw Kung Fu Panda in March. It actually has some extremely clever and epic action scenes. I really liked the bad guy tiger whatever. The overall story plays out exactly how you'd expect and the...
Saw this last night. Not a bad experience exactly, but it's really an extraordinarily below average film. The story is totally useless and the film does play out like a very unspectacular spectacle....
Ugh. I hate that I missed Paranoid Park. What's wrong with me?
Anyway, not crazy about this list, but it could be worse, I guess.
1. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
2. Funny Games
3. My...
I want to see this very badly. It feels like it's been at every festival for the past 6 months or more.
Cool! I like the Avengers stuff. Will be quite an unusual strategy, but it certainly has promise.
I joined RT in June 2002 when I was 16 (22 now for those not into the whole math thing). Actually pretty crazy thinking about that.
Ooooo, I like how you now have a blu-ray section. I hadn't seen that before. Anyway, definitely buying I'm Not There and eventually renting Dans Paris.
Wow, I didn't know del Toro was doing this. I just went from only sort of caring about The Hobbit to being super excited! Cool.
I liked it enough. It certainly has several moments where the humor feels too broad and specifically designed to cater to young children, but I think the majority of the film had a great, amazingly...
Those scenes are thematically relevant, but I'm not sure how the perception that it is either a dream or reality even enters the equation as meaningful to begin with. Just because there are so many...
The "or" in the question is best suited to an "and" in my case.
I grow facial hair pretty quickly, so I always have a little stubble, which I like.
On other guys, I don't really care. It's so...
I mostly watch movies in theaters or if it's for work, on my computer. When I do get around to watching something at home, it's on my roommate's nice HD TV or on my 20 inch in my room. If it's a...
Hmmm. That really is cool, particularly about Grindhouse, as that's not available commercially at all, let alone in HD. Too bad only 1080i...
I think my read on the psychological and social implications are similar to yours, however, I always think the never-ending discussion of what happened vs. what is imagined is fairly moot. There is...
I agree. This movie is so frustratingly obnoxious and wrong-headed, it's implications are quite baffling and make me curious to hear a filmmaker statement.
I'm all for these films and will likely see them all. A screening of Earth was just canceled in DC because of Disney's acquisition of it. Frustrating, but potentially beneficial for the film.
Whatever. Caan seems fairly replaceable to me. Just hope Russell can keep it together enough to pull off the flick.
It is very Dark Knight-ish, but I like the title and I definitely like Routh, so I'm pumped. Man of Steel = X2!?! I hope.