- Age
- 38
About DFA1979
- Biography:
- Well I used to be MadMan. I guess.
- Location:
- None of your business
- Interests:
- Trolling, getting booted from Discords, hanging around forums until they die
- Occupation:
- Surviving a capitalistic hellscape run by wankers
And it's happened once again
I'll turn to a friend
Someone that understands
And sees through the master plan
But everybody's gone
And I've been here for too long
To face this on my own
Well, I guess this is growing up
Total Posts
- Total Posts
- 2,128
- Posts Per Day
- 1.26
General Information
- Join Date
- 07-06-2020
- Referrals
- 0
12 Friends
Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 12