View Full Version : Beastie Boys Story (Spike Jonze)

Ezee E
04-25-2020, 05:16 AM
WIKI (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beastie_Boys_Story)


Ezee E
04-25-2020, 05:22 AM
More concert movie than documentary.
More Wikipedia than anything else...

The Beastie Boys Story is probably only suited for fans that want to "remember when." If you're not a Beastie Boys fan, I'm not sure you'd get much appreciation out of it, and it won't bring in any new fans.

For all of the above, it's definitely worth checking out the very special Beastie Boys Book, which tells a three decade story as best as only the Beastie Boys would.

Henry Gale
05-12-2020, 02:46 PM
Oh I had a blast with this, and so much more.

This whole stay-at-home period I was worried it had really begun to affect me emotionally since as someone who's usually a very easy (but unique) crier with movies, nothing in the many movies and TV shows I had watched had ignited the water works. But this absolutely snuck up on me and broke me quite nicely, not just with Horowitz and Diamond words or their struggle to get through them all, but especailly as a fan of the group who hasn't been able to really make sense or know how to accept Yauch's passing since it happened. It's the type of thing where I'll forget he's gone even (or especially) when I'm revisiting their work, then be reminded of it, only really being able to be happy we got as much with him as we did, so the Adam and Mike taking a similar approach to navigating their emotions with that section of the film hit especially close.

In addition to this, I know it's not the type of thing we'd do a thread on, but I also caught up with another Spike Jonze-directed live film recently-- Aziz Ansari's Right Now-- which I thought was not only easily the best stand-up he's ever put together (even as a fan of him I'm usually underwhelmed by his actual specials), but also such a wise, poignant, joyous and affirming piece. Highly recommend that as well.